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Smoking father bad for child's DNA

Smoking father bad for child s DNA

It has been known for a long time that as a pregnant woman you should not have an unhealthy lifestyle. But now a study by the University Maastricht that the lifestyle of the father also influences the unborn child.

As one of the very first scientists, health scientist Joost Linschooten of Maastricht University investigated the influence of the
The father's lifestyle has on the DNA in his semen and the DNA of the child. He examined the DNA of 81 families, consisting of a father, mother and child. And what turned out? “Smoking has a negative effect, even if the father had quit a few months before conception. On the other hand, . became clear that drinking one or more cups of espresso actually had a protective effect for the DNA', according to Linschooten.

Additional research is needed to determine the exact effect of the damaged DNA in children of smokers. Linschooten thinks it might be
could explain genetic abnormalities and diseases in a child. And that's why he wants to advise men who want children:'Stop so quickly possibly smoking, preferably when contraception is stopped.'