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The sunstroke is lurking

The sunstroke is lurking

After long fingers crossed, the time has finally come:the sun is shining again! And of course we want to enjoy that to the fullest. But some caution is advised…

Getting used
Because this wonderful weather in the Netherlands is rare, your body has to get used to it. While you will tend to spend all day in the sun
going, this is not so wise. Not only because you can bandage a lot, but also because sunstroke is always lurking.

When you have heat stroke, your body temperature is above 40 degrees and you don't sweat the heat off. So you get overheated and can suffer
of headaches, dizziness and nausea. A rapid heart rate, dilated pupils and shallow breathing may also occur. In addition, . will the skin is either red and hot or cold and clammy in combination with heavy perspiration.

Do you think you have sunstroke? Then immediately find the coolness and drink a lot of water. This is very important, because at an advanced stage
heatstroke becomes dangerous. It is of course even better to avoid sunstroke. Protect your head from the sun, drink enough and so on looking for a cool down now and then is a good idea if you want to enjoy the sun carefree!