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Calories for Charity

Calories for Charity

Join a bootcamp in Amsterdam's Westerpark for charity.

For yourself and for someone else
Under the guidance of personal trainer Oswin Beingsick, a sporting record attempt will be made. And this doesn't just happen. The money raised by burning the calories goes to Cordaid Microkrediet. As a participant, you not only ensure that you feel fit again, but you also ensure that an entrepreneur in a developing country can build an independent existence.

This record attempt is a Cordeal, a unique deal that anyone can participate in. If there are enough participants or if the correct amount is reached, the deal will go through. Every few weeks there is a new deal. Henk Schiffmacher previously used lucky tattoos on Friday the 13th and Xander de Buisonjé sang personal Valentine's messages for charity.

Sign in
Do you like the bootcamp? Then make sure you are present at the Westerpark in Amsterdam on Sunday 24 June at 1 p.m. The workout lasts until 3 p.m. and costs €5. You can register at On this site you can also follow which Cordeals you can sign up for in the future.