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App for quick emergency assistance

Useful! With the brand new I can help Logica app gives people with medical experience a signal on their smartphone when an emergency is nearby.

Logic comes up with an app, which offers very good support in case of emergencies. The I can help -app is still in the testing phase, but the idea already seems to be a bull's eye.

With this app, people with get medical experience , such as doctors and nurses, namely a signal on their smartphone when there is an emergency is near them. This way you are no longer solely dependent on an ambulance, which on average often takes about ten minutes to be on site. And those first minutes are often crucial.

Also smart:the Self-care app >

The I can help -app is activated as soon as an accident is reported by bystanders to an emergency center † Any user of the app within a circle of several hundred meters from the emergency will then get a message with information about the location, the nature of the accident and the nearest emergency equipment.

The I can help application is in Netherlands developed and is currently still in the testing phase. However, the handy trick already has the Microsoft Innovation Partner of the Year award won.