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Pain is underestimated

Pain is underestimated

Chronic pain is an underestimated health problem. People wait too long for a diagnosis or treatment. This is apparent from research by Erasmus University Rotterdam.

According to Professor Dr. Huygens, head of the Pain Knowledge Center of Erasmus MC, too many people live with pain and too little attention is paid to chronic pain † Huygens therefore argues for a three-step plan; expanding the specialty of pain medicine, organizing disease management , involving healthcare workers, patients, health insurers and government and expanding scientific research

Expansion of specialism
Pain is underestimated because it is seen as a result of a certain condition , while pain can also be a condition in itself," says Dr Huygens. 'Expansion of the specialty pain medicine and scientific research into chronic pain is therefore urgently needed.'

Disease management is an approach where the patient is central and providing for an as close as possible chain of early recognition, prevention, self-management and care † Everyone in healthcare must take responsibility; caregivers need to become more aware of the existence and development of pain through training and guidelines for treatment.

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