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A quarter of women deny being overweight

A quarter of women deny being overweight

A weight problem? 25 percent of obese women don't think so. According to scientists at the University of Texas, more and more women consider their weight to be 'normal', because the population is generally getting fatter.

For the study, published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology , more than 2,200 American women between the ages of 18 and 25 were asked questions about their weight and their perception of it † Half of the women surveyed had a BMI over 25 and therefore overweight.

Deny obesity
A quarter of those surveyed who were overweight denied her obesity † They indicated that they weighed too little or normal. Of the normal-weight women, one in six said she considered herself too fat and overweight

This distorted image According to the researchers, this can have many disadvantages:people who deny that they have weight problems are less likely to diet and pay less attention to their diet. The researchers advise doctors to calculate each patient's BMI , to ensure that people get a good picture of their weight and health.