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Heart Foundation starts 6-minute campaign

Heart Foundation starts 6-minute campaign

Shocking:every week, three hundred Dutch people are struck by cardiac arrest outside the hospital. Only about ten percent of the 16,000 victims per year survive.

The chance of survival must of course increase. That is why the Dutch Heart Foundation is launching the 6-minute campaign † The right actions in the first six minutes after someone goes into cardiac arrest are most important. When 112 is quickly called and is resuscitated, this greatly increases the chance of survival. That is why, according to the Dutch Heart Foundation, as many Dutch people as possible should take a CPR course . must follow and repeat once in a while.

Through the Heart Foundation you can sign up for a CPR course † There you will learn:
– recognize cardiac arrest;
– consciousness and the breathing checking the victim;
– resuscitate;
– how the AED looks like, how it works and how to use this device.

Cardiac arrest often happens at home, at work or outside on the street † Taking a course is therefore not an exaggerated action.

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