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Dutch glory!

Dutch glory!

Yesterday the herring season officially started! Did you know that the Dutch new is a very healthy way to get your omega-3 fatty acids?

Whether you like it or not; the Dutch new is something typically Dutch. Herring can be called Dutch New if it is well fat and cleaned, matured and filleted in the traditional Dutch way.

For years it has been advised to eat fish twice a week, once of which is oily fish. Herring contains a lot of good fish fatty acids , nutrients such as high quality proteins, vitamins and minerals. In addition, herring falls into the list of sustainably caught fish species.

A Dutch new one contains at least 16 percent fat. The fat of the herring consists for the most part of unsaturated, omega-3 fatty acids † These fatty acids thin the blood, lower blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disease. Herring also contains a substance that is anti-inflammatory works for joint pain and menstrual pain.

Who two herrings a week food already gets enough omega-3 fatty acids for the whole week. The benefits of eating Dutch new products outweigh the number of kilocalories:a herring contains approximately 130 calories † So you don't have to leave it at that!

In addition, herring is very good for your skin. The good fats lubricate the skin, make the cell walls firm and strong and prevent moisture loss.