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Lightning fast MRI scan is approaching

Lightning fast MRI scan is approaching

While people have to lie still for a long time during an MRI scan, in the future it will almost no longer be necessary to lie down at all. Before you know it, you'll be done. Scientists have developed a new method that captures images in one fiftieth of a second. This creates a video of organs and joints, as it were.

An MRI scan currently requires a lot of patience. It takes a long time for a scan to complete and meanwhile the patient must be still , to prevent the image from failing. Due to the relatively slow system, an image is always a snapshot and can an organ never be 'live' are recorded.

This is possible with the new method. Because a lot of scans are delivered in a short time, when they are put together, they form a film on which the organs and joints can be seen 'live' will be.

'Heavy' images
In principle, the new method can be applied to the MRI scan zó in no time are applied. However, there is a 'but'… When the MRI scan makes a scan of a beating heart in this new way, it produces no less than 2,000 to 3,000 images in one minute. on. These have to be processed by the computer into a seamless video and that costs 2 gigabytes of memory

Moreover, the process takes another 30 minutes. Watching organs 'live' is therefore not yet an option. On the other hand, it is a big step forward :after half an hour, doctors can determine what is going on based on moving MRI images.