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Frequent depression after difficult childbirth

Frequent depression after difficult childbirth

Did you have a bad birth? Then the chance of depression after birth is much greater.

After a long-term study, researchers from the Rotterdam Erasmus Medical Center conclude that women who, for example, pregnancy poisoning have previously suffered from depression after birth of the child.

Recognize the depression
According to the researchers, an average of one in seven women is at risk of postnatal depression if she has had a problem during labor or birth. If the woman has had multiple complications, the chance of depression even rises to one in four

Furthermore, the researchers state that the depressions often go unnoticed. With insomnia , increase or, on the contrary, a significant decrease in weight, you should immediately sound the alarm.

Another danger:the children can also develop problems if the mother ends up in a depression † How do you manage depression? Keep a close eye on women who have had problems during pregnancy and/or childbirth. In this way, prevent that they continue to decline.

The study's article will be published Wednesday in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology