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Custom insoles the solution for migraines?

Unfortunately, I have been familiar with migraines for over 28 years. All this as a result of an accident I had. For years I struggled with pain to the point of loss of consciousness. But since December everything has changed. Tailor-made insoles the solution for migraines?

Migraine is not just a headache

Especially for the people who don't know what migraine is or assume that it is just a bit of a headache, just a short explanation. Here you can read what it is like to live with migraines and what impact this has on a family with children. Migraine is unfortunately not just a headache, it is an all-consuming pain that makes you nauseous, you have to vomit, you can't stand light and everything is too much.

Mild or incipient migraines enable you to be up and more or less present for the children, for example. Sometimes it is possible to suppress starting migraines with medication. Once the pain continues, there is often no stopping it and there is nothing for it but to get rid of the pain. Read:vomiting to bile, feeling sick, thinking your head will explode, getting up is terrible, lying down is the same, moving too much in general. So it's definitely not just a headache. Read more:look at migraines.

Customized insoles the solution for migraines?

Last year I went to see a physiotherapist for a while. This was initially because I had been suffering from pain in my knee for a long time. On one side was a large lump that also worried me slightly. In addition, something really had to happen to my shoulders and neck. These were constantly hard and painful. It also often pulled from my neck and shoulders to my head, resulting in migraines. If you have a migraine, the pain makes you cramp even more and so I ended up in a vicious circle. Because I was in so much pain, the decision was made and I went to physiotherapy. A big step for me, because I never saw the point of it and don't like to take off my clothes for someone I don't know.

The first times were quite painful, but also nice at the same time. The pain diminished and my shoulders and neck became more flexible. She did establish that I am a bit too flexible, while I always assumed that I was just a stiff rake in my torso. I was given exercises, taped and almost weekly I had an appointment with a very sweet and patient physiotherapist. Even when I had pulled my neck, I was very well helped.

At one point she felt she couldn't get out of it anymore. I had to keep doing the stretch band exercises. For the pain in my knees I should look further. However, the nodule had already shrunk, so I didn't see what else I could do.

Go to the podiatrist anyway

In the end things didn't go the way it should with my knee, sometimes it got completely stuck and I was in pain when I wanted to walk down the stairs. Then I really had to sit and wait for the pain to go away. Because it couldn't go on like this, I decided to go to the podiatrist. This also in consultation with the physiotherapist who had indicated to look further for my knees.

Finally, it was mid-December when I could see the podiatrist. When I got there, I was passed through the mangle. It turned out that the pains were not only in my knees, but in many more places. After I had walked a bit, the best man knew enough. I had a very strange gait, where I turned my knees inwards and wanted them to stand straight. This put a lot of pressure on it and that caused all the pain (radiates to hips, feet, etc. if you walk wrong for years). So I would get custom-made insoles.

On December 24, the time had come. In the meantime I had been walking around with a severe migraine for three days, but I wanted to pick up the insoles anyway. I had my Nikes on, because the soles would fit in these. The insoles went in, I tried to walk and immediately felt relief. Yes, the soles felt really weird, especially because they are quite thick on the inside, but it was a relief.

I was advised to wear the insoles for two hours a day first to get used to everything. But fair? I never took them off again? What was the case? I walked away from the podiatrist and within an hour I had no more migraines. I didn't know what happened to me. I had never experienced this! Just like that, gone, nothing more pain and just being able to function. While I was still considering throwing up from the nausea.

The next day I felt great! Yes, the insoles took a lot of getting used to, especially if that's the first thing you have to do in the morning:get up and immediately put on your Nike's (I didn't have and don't have slippers that are suitable for my insoles, the only thing I have so far can wear his Nike's). Not long after, I started to feel my shoulders and neck. I didn't recognize myself anymore! What was this? Everything was so smooth and soft! No more hard shoulders, nothing. This was incredible! I can't even remember the last time my shoulders felt like this. And the migraines? He also stayed away. I could even eat what I wanted (almost) and even playing with eating a little later didn't trigger a migraine.

Customized insoles the solution for migraines?

Unfortunately, it's not a magic bullet, those insoles, because I still have migraines every now and then. However, this is mainly hormone-related migraines. Real migraines like I had last year, no, I don't have them anymore. My neck and shoulders feel good. Are flexible and no longer stiff. Perhaps a tip for you:if you feel that you have constant migraines from your neck and shoulders, have a podiatrist look at your walking posture. That may cost a bit (100 euros a consultation), but who knows, it may also be a solution for your migraine.

PS:this is not a sponsorship from Nike, it is my own experience that these are the only sneakers and shoes that my soles fit well in. I hope to find beautiful and especially affordable summer shoes one day. Yes, I know I can have them custom made, but then I'll lose at least 200 euros! And this is also the reason that you sometimes see me on my Youtube channel with Nike at my feet. By the way, I have another pair for outside.