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4 nutritional supplements that benefit every woman

Of course, every body is different, but these nutritional supplements form a good basis for everyone.

1. Omega-3 fats

Healthy fats are important for your body to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Healthy fats are found in avocado and fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel. Even if you eat a lot of fish, Japanese research shows that taking extra omega 3 is useful for a strong positive effect on, among other things, your heart and blood vessels.

Daily dose

With most fish oil capsules, one capsule per day is more than enough. Take it during a meal to absorb the oil well and to prevent 'fish burps'. If you eat vegan or vegetarian, you can opt for a vegetable omega-3 supplement, such as Royal Green Algae Oil Omega-3, € 34.95 via or Flinndal Omega-3 Vegetable, from € 15.95 via Flinndal. en.

Read also: 'Are you taking enough vitamin P?'


Probiotics are good bacteria that you need to keep your intestinal flora in balance. Several studies show that they can help make and keep your bowel movements healthy, reduce allergies and stomach problems and even prevent colds.

Daily dose

Take a probiotic capsule in the morning. Pharma Nord's Bio Flora with active lactic acid bacteria was the best probiotic supplement in the consumer association test, € 17.95 via

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. In addition, this vitamin occurs in small amounts in animal products and is often added to margarine, low-fat margarine and baking and roasting products. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium and can reduce the risk of diabetes, colon and breast cancer.

Daily dose

Even if you eat healthy, you do not always get enough vitamin D. In the summer, when you often go outside with your arms and legs uncovered, the sun provides sufficient supplementation. But in winter, when there is little sunlight, a vitamin

D supplement recommended. Take an average of ten micrograms per day.


Everyone needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones, but this mineral also helps with other bodily functions, such as transmitting nerve signals to your brain. Calcium is found in milk, nuts, cheese and legumes.

Daily dose

According to the Health Council, adults (19-50 years) need an average of 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. You can of course get this from milk, but broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale and almonds are also full of calcium. Keep an eye on how much calcium you get from food and supplement the rest with a calcium supplement.