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25 questions every woman should ask herself regularly

25 questions every woman should ask herself regularly

Tell me:are you really honest with yourself? Do you know yourself and do you do things that make you happy? Ask yourself these questions and give your life a positive turn.

Am I still curious?
Little children are constantly wondering about things. Your little niece who wants to know why cats have four legs, or your son who asks how big the universe is. Many adults have stopped asking questions. You no longer want to know why there are stars in the sky, because you are too busy buying a new tablet, taking your children to ballet class or want to get promoted. And that while curiosity is so healthy:a study in Health Psychology shows that people who are curious are less likely to develop diabetes and heart problems, and stay mentally healthy for longer. Do you ever ask questions? Allow yourself to be amazed again and investigate.

Curious about the other questions you should be asking yourself? You will find them from page 25 in the January issue of Santé.