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Is White Vinegar Really Effective Against Coronavirus? Answer Here.

Is White Vinegar Really Effective Against Coronavirus? Answer Here.

Because of the coronavirus, regularly cleaning and disinfecting your home is more than ever essential.

Indeed, according to researchers from the National Institute of Health, the coronavirus can survive on a surface for several hours.

So to disinfect your house, is white vinegar effective? This is a question that everyone asks.

Especially since bleach is far from safe for your health...

We take stock to find out if white vinegar can really disinfect your home safely . Here is the answer:

Is White Vinegar Really Effective Against Coronavirus? Answer Here.

Yes, white vinegar is effective against coronavirus

I suggest you watch Dr. Mascret's intervention in the 8 p.m. news on France 2 which explains why white vinegar is effective.

Click on the bottom right of the video to activate the sound:

As you see in this video, you can therefore use white vinegar to disinfect your home on a daily basis during the coronavirus epidemic.

Indeed, white vinegar makes the virus inactive .

The simple act of cleaning and rubbing a surface with white vinegar attacks the envelope of the virus.

As a result, it can no longer infect you!

This is also true with soapy water that you use to wash your hands or to disinfect your phone.

So, if you stay at home and don't have contact with other people outside, white vinegar is effective for disinfecting your home on a daily basis.

This is also confirmed by the RTL site here, the Atlantico site here, and Consoglobe here.

How to properly use white vinegar?

1. Put on household gloves first.

2. Pour white vinegar on a microfiber cloth.

3. Wring the cloth to remove the excess.

4. Rub the surfaces to be cleaned with the soaked cloth:door handles, switches, worktops, fridge...

5. Once finished, put the cloth directly in the washing machine at 60° minimum.

6. Don't forget to wash your gloves in soapy water.

7. Take off your gloves and wash your hands.

Bleach is a virucide

According to the Directorate General of Health, white vinegar is not effectivein killing coronavirus.

Why ? Because white vinegar is not a virucide. That is, it does not kill viruses.

Unlike white vinegar, bleach is a virucide that kills all viruses, including the coronavirus.

Simply putting a drop of bleach on the virus is enough to kill the virus. Which is not the case with white vinegar.

"Bleach is a virucid , which is not the case with white vinegar. Even if there are other detergent products that are effective disinfectants, we might as well recommend bleach, which is known to everyone", says the General Directorate of Health.

This is also confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO):"there are chemical disinfectants that can kill Covid-19 on surfaces. These include disinfectants based on bleach or chlorine, solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid and chloroform".

So bleach is effective in killing the coronavirus and eliminate it completely, but it is not without consequences for your health.

Is White Vinegar Really Effective Against Coronavirus? Answer Here.

In which cases should bleach be used?

To be 100% sure of getting rid of the virus, cleaning with bleach is a must.

In particular, it is essential to use bleach when:

- you have just gone shopping to disinfect surfaces in contact with packaging, door handles, cupboards, fridge and freezer, switches, toilets...

- you live with a sick person at home.

- you work with people who are sick or likely to be sick.

In which cases should white vinegar be used?

Apart from these specific cases, you can use white vinegar on a daily basis. White vinegar is an essential all-purpose natural cleaner.

Thanks to its very high acid pH and its concentration of acetic acid, it has natural cleansing and antiseptic properties .

It is effective for cleaning worktops, kitchens and bathrooms, toilets, fridges, dishwashers, washing machines, taps, windows...

Also be sure to clean all everyday objects that you touch regularly:door handles and switches, computer keyboards, telephones...

In short, everything you touch regularly. By the way, here are the 6 things you need to clean more often at home during the coronavirus epidemic.

Precautions with bleach

While bleach is effective in getting rid of viruses, it is still a dangerous product.

You can't use it anyhow. Bleach must be used with great care.

It is also not recommended to use it too often.

Indeed, it can cause burns on the skin and irritation of the respiratory tract.

It can also cause headaches and nausea.

It is therefore strictly forbidden to put it on the skin or on food.

It is also forbidden to put bleach on your pets to disinfect them. It is very dangerous for them.

And it is important to wear gloves when using it.

Be aware that you can also use a household product containing at least 70% alcohol to eliminate the virus, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The best way to fight against the spread of the coronavirus and avoid being contaminated is to apply barrier gestures and limit social interactions as much as possible.

And don't forget to wash your hands very often with soapy water and certainly not bleach!