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White Vinegar:An Effective Healing Agent No One Knows About!

White Vinegar:An Effective Healing Agent No One Knows About!

Ouch! Have you scratched or cut yourself and it's bleeding?

And you don't have disinfectant or healing?

You don't even have to run to the pharmacy! You already have everything at hand!

Yes, white vinegar is a great disinfectant and healing agent to heal a small superficial wound.

Just dab your wound with a cotton ball soaked in vinegar water . Watch:

White Vinegar:An Effective Healing Agent No One Knows About!

How to

1. Run your wound under water until the bleeding stops.

2. In a bowl, mix equal parts water and white vinegar.

3. Dip a cotton ball in it.

4. Dab your wound with the cotton.


There you go, thanks to the white vinegar, you have disinfected and healed your sore quickly :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

White vinegar has the power to accelerate the healing of your small cut.

By cleaning your abrasion with white vinegar, you limit the risk of having a scar on the knee or even the face.

And it's the cheapest treatment you can find!

Why does it work?

Thanks to its acidic pH, white vinegar is an effective disinfectant.

By eliminating microbes and drying the wound, it facilitates the healing process of small cuts.

The application of a healing treatment can shorten the healing time.


As white vinegar is acidic, it stings a bit when you apply it to your small wound.

Do not put the cotton on the wound, but dab the scratch well with the cotton soaked in the mixture of water and white vinegar.

Some wounds must be the subject of a medical consultation.

This is the case of an animal bite, a large wound of more than 6 cm, a wound on the face, neck or near a joint, a wound that bleeds a lot.

And also, a wound with small encrusted debris or a wound in a diabetic person.

Your turn...

Have you tested this grandmother's remedy to disinfect and heal a cut? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!