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Scientists Discover That Smelling Farts Lowers Cancer Risk.

Scientists Discover That Smelling Farts Lowers Cancer Risk.

No, it's not a joke, friends!

Believe it or not, scientists at the University of Exeter in England believe the smell of farts may lower the risk of cancer and other diseases.

Who would have thought that farts have the power to extend your lifespan?

Not us, anyway!

Scientists Discover That Smelling Farts Lowers Cancer Risk.

Here is what Dr. Mark Wood said in a statement from the University regarding this very serious study:

"Although hydrogen sulfide gas, produced when bacteria from decomposing foodstuffs, is known as a smelly gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, this gas is produced naturally in the body and may actually be a health heroes with important implications for future therapies to cure certain diseases".

Although this smelly gas can be harmful in large doses, scientists believe that a little puff here and there has the power to reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, heart attack, arthritis and dementia. P>

How? 'Or' What ? By protecting the mitochondria in our body.

Researchers have even reproduced this gas to mimic the smell and thus enjoy its benefits.

"We have exploited this natural process by making a compound, called AP39, which gently releases very small amounts of this gas specifically for the mitochondria," said Professor Matt Whiteman, from the University of Exeter Medical School.

"The results of our research indicate that if damaged cells are treated with AP39 gas, the mitochondria are protected and the cells remain alive".

So instead of getting upset the next time you smell a grateful;-)

Sources:, University of Exeter. This scientific study was published in the medical journal MedChemComm here.