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Here's What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

You have to admit it:farts are an embarrassing subject , even taboo.

Indeed, emitting gas is not the most glamorous thing...

And for many people, it's even very rude to fart!

At best, some people find it funny...

It's a shame because farts help you get to know your body better.

Yes, farts reveal valuable information about our state of health and well-being.

Let's not forget that everyone blows gas . It's like that ! And when you fart, it's because the body needs it.

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

And there is NOTHING taboo about taking a close interest in your health, is there?

In reality, it is important to know about flatulence, and to talk about it more openly! Explanations:

Farts:what exactly are they?

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

Yes, flatulence is funny, smelly and loud… but why do we pass gas ?

On the one hand, when we breathe, part of the oxygen is absorbed by our digestive system.

As a result, the bacteria present in our intestines transform this oxygen into gas.

On the other hand, our body is simply unable to digest some of our food, especially carbohydrates and starches.

Again, our friendly bacteria help us by breaking down these foods, which produces even more gas.

In total, be aware that the bacteria in our intestinal flora produce between 0.6 liters to 1.8 liters of gas per day !

And once accumulated, all this famous gas must of course be evacuated... hence the usefulness of letting off a good fart!

But are these famous farts good for your health? The answer is always YES!

Indeed, regular farting is a sign that you are eating enough fiber and that you have a healthy population of bacteria in your intestines :-)

What farts reveal about your health

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

There are several types of farts:"sneaky", "fog horns", "odorless", "nauseous"...

But what do the different types of farts reveal about our health? Here is the explanation by type of farts:

1. The stinky farts

As for stinky farts, their bad smell is due to hydrogen sulfide.

This gas is produced when the body breaks down foods that contain sulfur.

However, sulfur is found in a wide variety of very healthy foods, such as broccoli, beans and cauliflower.

To discover: Here's Why Some Pets Smell Much WORSE Than Others.

2. Extremely stinky farts

On the other hand, farts extremely smells deserve your full attention, as they indicate a potential health problem.

For example, if you eat dairy products and you feel an immediate need to let go of farts, it surely means that your body has lactose intolerance.

Particularly foul farts are also a potential sign of a chronic intestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, or even a temporary infection such as gastroenteritis.

3. Odorless farts

If your farts have no smell , they are perfectly healthy and normal!

It simply means that gas has naturally built up in your body and it's time to get rid of it.

Moreover, know that farts are composed of 99% completely odorless gas .

It is the remaining 1% of the gases that give off a sulphurous odor.

And the frequency of farts?

If you fart often, it's totally normal!

Indeed, be aware that on average, a human being emits gas about 20 times a day .

On the other hand, if you fart too often and your farts are followed by pain, bloating or a strong odor, you may have a food allergy.

So, no taboo:don't hesitate to talk to your doctor about your farts.

The smell of farts is good for your health!

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

Feeling other people's farts can make us run away with a sprint...

And when it comes to our own farts?

It must be admitted:we manage very well to tolerate the smell of our own flatulence, even the most malodorous.

And there's nothing to be ashamed of!

Indeed, according to science, smelling your own farts is good for your health !

It is the famous hydrogen sulfide, one of the compounds of farts, which gives them that characteristic smell of rotten eggs. And it turns out that this smell is beneficial to health.

In fact, this study from the University of Exeter on the smell of farts revealed that hydrogen sulphide has incredible health benefits.

In particular, the researchers discovered that:

- breathing hydrogen sulfide helps to prolong our lifespan ,

- the smell of farts even helps to slow down the onset of dementia and

- the smell of farts also helps to fight heart disease, diabetes and arthritis .

The more it stinks, the better!

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

According to researchers, the more they stink, the more beneficial farts are to our health. But why?

Farting is a sign of the health of our digestive ecosystem. And according to the Exeter study, passing gas makes us healthier:

"When our cells are subjected to disease, they naturally attract enzymes that help them produce hydrogen sulfide, in very small amounts.

"This process helps our cells survive the onslaught of disease by regulating the functioning of mitochondria, intracellular organelles whose main function is to provide cells with the energy they need to ensure their survival.

"Without the hydrogen sulfide from farts, our cells die, as they lose the ability to sustain themselves and control inflammation."

And according to Dr. Mark Wood, one of the study's researchers:

"Hydrogen sulfide is mostly associated with the pungent, foul odor of rotten eggs and flatulence.

"However, research proves that this gas, produced naturally by our body, has unparalleled healing properties, which make it an extremely promising remedy for the treatment of a large number of diseases."

And why does it make noise?

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

A fun little detail for the curious... :-)

Be aware that the noise emitted by the farts depends on the pressure of the gas at the outlet .

When passing flatulence, the skin around the anus vibrates, which makes the air vibrate and therefore produces sound!

As a result, the more pressure there is, the more noise it makes.

Conversely, if the pressure is low, the fart is silent.

9 tips that improve digestion

Here s What Your Farts Reveal About YOUR HEALTH.

You think your farts really stink too much ? Fortunately, there are solutions!

And all these solutions can be summed up in a few words:change your diet !

Indeed, watching your diet is one of the best ways to put an end to gas disorders and foul farts.

Here are some tips to make your farts smell less strong:

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.

2. Avoid eating processed foods as much as possible.

3. Avoid eating meat, as it is often higher in fat and takes longer to be digested by your body.

4. Keep a close eye on the foods you eat to determine which ones make you fart more than usual.

5. Try to reduce the consumption of foods that make you fart, as these interfere with the proper functioning of your digestive system.

6. Eliminate foods that make you fart, but one food at a time . This method will help you accurately determine which foods are causing excessive or foul-smelling flatulence.

7. Try this recipe for anti-constipation candies, a natural home treatment that helps you digest and pass stools better.

8. Try one of these 11 natural remedies for constipation, which help to quickly relieve your digestive system while you adjust your eating habits.

9. And again, there is no shame to be interested in what farts reveal about your state of health. So do not hesitate to talk about your flatulence to your doctor :-)