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Oh dear:fruit juice increases the risk of cancer

Oh dear:fruit juice increases the risk of cancer

It is the first time that research has been done on fresh fruit juices. And the conclusion of the researchers is not a good one:fruit juice increases the risk of cancer.

More than 100,000 French people were followed for five years for the study. In that period, 2,200 people got cancer, including breast cancer 693 times, reports.

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Sugar-rich drinks

“It is the first study that focuses specifically on fruit juices. We have known for some time that there is a link between sugary drinks and the risk of cancer. Based on the largest ever study into nutrition, lifestyle and cancer by the World Cancer Research Fund, an advice has already been drawn up to drink as few drinks with added sugars as possible. Now only fresh fruit juices have been looked at," Professor Ellen Kampman of Wageningen University told the newspaper.

“Of drinks that contain a lot of sugar, the main culprit is the fact that they contain a lot of calories. Something that contains a lot of sugar can lead to obesity. And if you are overweight, there is a greater risk of cancer,” explains Kampman.


Kampman says that as a result of the investigation, she sees no immediate reason to issue a different advice, but she does think it is important to say that we should cut back. “Water and unsweetened drinks are better. Don't drink lots of fresh apple juice or orange juice.”