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Cannabis smokers risk testicular cancer

A study suggests that men who smoke a cannabis joint every day for 10 years or more have a 36% increased chance of developing testicular cancer, compared to non-smokers.

In France, cannabis is the most consumed psychoactive substance after alcohol. While the government has just authorized the experimentation of medical cannabis, also opening up a reflection on recreational uses, a study recently looked into the effects of its consumption on cancer risks .

Cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke share carcinogenic substances, such as hydrocarbons. “Marijuana use is also associated with bronchial inflammatory changes comparable to changes seen with tobacco , explain the researchers in their study. In addition, tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, may have adverse immunomodulatory effects associated with cancer .

A link to testicular cancer

For these works, published in JAMA Network , the researchers reviewed 25 studies on the subject and published between between 1973 and 2018 . They focused on cancers of the lungs, mouth, brain, neck and testicles.

At the end of their analyzes, they found no link with the first four. On the other hand, it emerged that men who smoked at least one joint a day for 10 years are exposed to a 36% higher risk of testicular cancer .

This is just an association. The researchers are currently unable to explain these results. Especially since no association has been made with other types of cancer.

Cannabis smokers risk testicular cancer

A cancer not to be overlooked

We note that if testicular cancer represents only 1 to 2% of male cancers , it remains the one that is most diagnosed in men aged 15 to 35 . In France, approximately 2,000 men are affected each year (evolving since the 2000s). He is now being treated very well thanks to surgical and therapeutic approaches.

Symptoms to worry about are the following:a lump in one of the testicles, or if one of them begins to swell. Pain in the stomach or scrotum, nausea, weight loss, vomiting and difficulty breathing should also alert.

Also remember that a few days ago, another study revealed that regular smoking of cannabis doubles the risk of stroke in young people.


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