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17 Things That Show You Have The Coolest Mom Alive.

17 Things That Show You Have The Coolest Mom Alive.

I don't know about you, but my mom is definitely the nicest person cool that I know.

Without my mom, I would be nothing.

She's always there when needed:to make me laugh, to dry my tears...

Most importantly, she helped me become the person I am today.

Do you have a super cool mom too?

To find out, here are some unmistakable signs that you are very lucky to have your mom close to you:

17 Things That Show You Have The Coolest Mom Alive.

1. Your mom is one of your best friends

Your mother is the first to know what is going on in your life and you spend time with her regularly.

For example, with my mother, we try to have a restaurant at least once a week.

But that's not all. Sometimes we go to the cinema, we go to a theater...

Or when we have less time, we just have a coffee on the terrace.

When I'm with my mom, it's really like spending time with my best friend :-)

2. But your mother never forgets that above all, she is your mother

Even if you are the best friends in the world, your mother does not forget that before being your girlfriend, she is first your mother.

Even if you don't necessarily like it, your mother always makes sure to act in your best interests.

My mother is very clear on that.

She's not only my go-to buddy... But she's also there to get me back on track when I need it.

3. Your mom is always there if you need to talk

Whether it's because of a breakup or just asking for advice, you know you can call your mom.

She is always there to listen, without ever judging you.

Thank you, Mom :-)

4. Your mom is your biggest fan

My mother is always the first to encourage and cheer me up — no matter what.

Do you have a dream or a hidden ambition? You can count on your mother to support you.

And what's more, she's always there to remind you not to give up, even if you have doubts.

5. You and your mother have the same sense of humor

You and your mom often laugh together. So sometimes you are the only ones to understand your jokes!

Besides, it seems that it's quite funny to see the two of you interacting on a daily basis.

With my mother, we never miss an opportunity to laugh or tell a joke. It's true that both of us are quite funny :-)

6. You and your mom are glued to each other during family gatherings

Otherwise, who else is going to entertain you while Tata Monique talks to you for hours about Kiki, her poodle?

It's very simple, I always stay next to my mother during family gatherings.

That way, it gives us the opportunity to laugh stupidly at anything and everything.

Without Mom, family reunions would be impossible to live!

7. Your mom always puts family first

Even if for her her professional career and her social life are important things, the family always comes first.

She never picked me up late from school because of a work meeting.

And she never forgot my birthday either.

For my mother, I have always been, I am and I will always remain the priority of her life.

8. Your mom often calls you to check in just because she genuinely cares about you

Your mother needs to know how you are doing, not just once every 6 months.

Why ? Because he is genuinely interested in knowing how you feel.

And if you say anything other than "It's fine," she'll do whatever she can to make things better.

9. Your mother is watching over you — but not smothering you

You never feel suffocated by your mother.

But you know she's always watching over you, because she wants to make sure you're on the right track.

She really tries to be understanding and doesn't forget what it's like to be young.

10. Your mom lets you make mistakes, but she's always there to help you get back on track

Sometimes my mom lets me live my life without interfering.

And even if I have to go through painful things, like a breakup or a major failure!

And I know how difficult it is for her to see me suffer.

But she guesses it's important for me to make my own mistakes. And I know she will always be there to help me get back on track.

An understanding mom knows she can't live your life for you. She knows you're going to date people who aren't a match for you.

She knows that sometimes life will be hard.

But every time you make a mistake, she'll be there to wipe away your tears.

11. Your mom knows she's still a kid... only older and wiser

The day I left home to go to school, Mom said to me:

“Here is the best advice I can give you. When your head is spinning from drinking a little too much, try biting your tongue!

“Pain will divert your attention and make you forget that your head is spinning. »

Super cool moms don't claim to have been exemplary women all their lives.

A super cool mom never lectures.

Why ? Because she is human, like you. Because she also made mistakes.

And she knows very well that you will also make these same mistakes.

That's why she's always there to share her wisdom with you when you need it.

12. Everyone adores your mother

My friends love spending time with my mom.

Besides, they often ask me to ask her out.

Right now, they even want me to invite him to my New Year's Eve party! I'm not even kidding :-)

13. Because your mother is hilarious

Your mom is no fool — she always knows what's really going on.

She's found the perfect balance:she's a cool mom AND a strong, wise woman.

The result ? An unparalleled sense of humor!

14. Even when you're mad at her, you don't forget how dear she is to you

If your mom is like mine, she can sometimes make you angry...

Since your mother always acts in your best interests, there is bound to be a headache from time to time.

But even when you have differences with your mother, you still love her so much.

15. When people ask you who your hero is, you answer "my mother"

Stay away Wonder Woman. You have no chance! My mother is much stronger than you!

It's simple:my mom is also my heroine :-)

16. You can't imagine your life without your mother...

Your mother built the foundations of your personality.

So it's hard for you to distinguish between the person you are... and the person your mother helped you become .

When I try to imagine my life without my mom, it's just impossible!

17… because your mother is simply one of the most important people in your life

Mom, what would I do without you?

I love you :-)