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Use-by dates for eggs, meat, milk:THE tip to know.

Use-by dates for eggs, meat, milk:THE tip to know.

You always ask yourself the same question:how to know if your food is expired or not ?

Find out how to decipher the different use-by dates to avoid throwing away eggs, meat or milk for no reason.

Food consumption dates are divided into 2 categories:

Use-by dates for eggs, meat, milk:THE tip to know.

1. The words "Use by...":

The products bearing this mention are the most fragile. It is advisable to respect the date indicated with precaution even if it means throwing it away:

>> Fresh products such as raw meats, fresh eggs, shellfish and fish.

>> Fresh dairy products:fresh milk, dairy desserts, cheeses, fresh cream.

>> Some ready meals, but also "catering" meals prepared by the supermarket.

>> Certain frozen and deep-frozen products.

2. The statement "Best before..."

Best before dates are for products that bear the words "Best before..." or "Best before end..." .

There are mainly smoked, dried, freeze-dried, dehydrated, cured products such as:

>> Smoked fish, smoked meats.

>> Salted fish such as anchovies.

>> Soups and dehydrated purees, powdered milk.

>> Coffee, chocolate powder, spices.

>> Preserves (especially vegetables).

The consumption of these products is more flexible . It is a question of duration of consumption and not of expiry date.

It is therefore less imperative to respect the exact date which is written on the product, if it has not yet been opened of course.

If it is advisable to eat the food before the date that appears on the packaging, it is more for a question of taste than of health .

Drinking expired coffee is okay, but the taste may not be there...

If you have any doubts, discover the list of 18 foods that you can eat even when expired.

Keeping an eye on your food only requires a little planning and the advantage is that it will really save you on food .

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