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30 Things You Do That Impress Those Around You Without You Realizing It.

30 Things You Do That Impress Those Around You Without You Realizing It.

When we try to impress someone, we think these are only the basic things that other people notice.

But it's really the little things you do that are the most important.

It's all in the details.

It's the little things you do (or don't do) every day that will really impress the people around you.

30 Things You Do That Impress Those Around You Without You Realizing It.

Moreover, these behaviors determine the way you react when you are confronted with key moments in your life.

So how do you show the people around you who you really are?

Here are the 30 simple things that will impress the people around you.

1. Take care of your appearance

Your appearance is the first thing other people notice.

They will observe your clothes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.

That means they form an opinion about you before you even open your mouth.

If you want to make a good impression, dress for the occasion. In the morning, also take the time to take care of your appearance.

2. Be on time

Being late is giving others an opportunity to judge you — without being there.

It's simple:if you say you'll be somewhere at a specific time, then be there at the specific time!

Having to wait for someone who is late is frustrating and annoying.

3. Keep promises

Too many people make promises they know they can't keep.

Maybe it's to comfort or please others as they make the promise.

The problem is, when the promise is broken, this temporary comfort will turn into frustration — and maybe even anger.

If you know you can't keep a promise, then don't make it.

And if you make a promise, do whatever you can to deliver.

4. Respect the people around you

Autrui refers to "others". This includes friends, elders, youth, colleagues, family, etc.

Respect for others can be difficult to put into practice.

For example, sometimes we have to meet people who have different opinions from ours.

Or, sometimes you have to be around people who behave in a way that you disapprove of.

However, one can always choose to remain courteous. And, if you look for qualities in others, you find them.

5. Get involved in a cause

If ecology is important to you, then lead a lifestyle that respects the environment.

If you are interested in the politics of your city or municipality, take part in local meetings.

The idea is to actively participate, to get involved in the things you think are important.

6. Say "thank you" and "please" often

These magic words take no effort — and they have a big impact.

Expressing appreciation for even the smallest acts of kindness says a lot to the people around you.

It shows that you know how to recognize the good side of others.

It also shows that you are attentive to the gestures and words of those around you.

7. Smile

A smile is contagious.

When you meet a stranger and they smile at you, the natural reaction is to respond with a smile.

When you smile, you communicate to others that you are grateful for life — and that it is pleasant and vibrant.

8. Don't hang on to your phone

If you are spending time with another person, then be totally present.

Smartphones are incredible pieces of technological equipment that have completely changed our lifestyle.

But, in society, smartphones decrease your concentration.

Conclusion:everything in its time. Use your smartphone at the right time. You don't need it every second of your existence.

9. Be faithful to your partner

Unfortunately, divorces and infidelities are commonplace these days.

By being honest and remaining faithful to your partner, you show that you have understood the real priorities in life.

Moreover, you show that you have understood the importance of being in a healthy relationship.

10. Be present for your children

Take the time to participate and take an interest in the lives of your children. Take care to know what their interests are.

Accompany them to their sports training, take part in parent-teacher meetings, take part in school activities, etc.

When your children talk to you, listen to them carefully.

Act like the parent you wish you had — a parent kids can come to when they have important questions.

11. Take care of your personal hygiene

Always have breath-freshening candy on hand. Brush your teeth. Wear clean clothes.

These basic gestures are common sense — but too many people don't make it a point.

Talking to someone who has bad breath is disgusting.

In addition, having bad breath distracts the person you are talking to. She'll stay focused on your bad breath (and give you a sweet for fresher breath).

When you take care of your hygiene, others are focused on what you're communicating — not your body odor.

12. Speak clearly and look your interlocutor in the eye

It is important to let your interlocutor know that you are involved in the conversation, that the subject interests you.

To do this, take care to articulate your words well and not look around when you speak.

It is important to direct all your concentration towards the person you are speaking with.

13. Do not chew gum

This is really context-dependent behavior.

Chewing gum is not really a problem when you are with family or close friends.

On the other hand, chewing gum is unacceptable in the workplace.

14. Make humor

A dash of humor can be extremely effective.

For example, humor can relax and soothe others in a tense situation.

The key is to choose the right time to use your sense of humor.

15. Greet people with a good handshake

Greeting the people around you is especially important.

It's up to you to decide which best suits the situation:either the handshake or the kiss.

For a job interview, it's probably not a good idea to kiss your potential future boss. Rather, a good handshake is required.

With your close friends and family, kissing is a sign of intimacy. It's a way to physically express that you care about your loved ones.

16. Be honest with yourself

Know what you want and expect from life. Be honest with yourself.

Then do all you can to make your dreams come true.

17. Listen

When someone talks to you, listen carefully.

When someone talks to you, don't think about your response. Instead, try to listen to the other person — actively.

18. Be nice to people around you

Make small gestures of kindness — gratuitous gestures without any personal interest.

Here are some examples:opening the door of a store for a stranger, preparing a meal for a family whose mother has just given birth, asking your neighbor to check his mailbox while on vacation, etc.

19. Be organized

To better plan your activities and projects, keep an agenda.

Also, try to be organized in general.

The ideal is to know where everything is stored in your home, at work, in your car, etc.

A place for everything and everything in its place!

20. Compliments

Look for the good in the people around you, and take the time to communicate to them the qualities you find in them.

It's not complicated:one small compliment is enough.

Here are some examples of things you can compliment:clothes, quality of work, demeanor, manner, etc.

21. Sharing knowledge and expertise

If you have a special skill, skill, or talent — share it with those around you.

Pass on your knowledge to others and share your know-how — they will be grateful.

22. Have a positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is not easy, especially when things are going badly.

But, it is possible! Remember that when you can't control a situation, you can always control how you react.

Instead of letting a problem control you, try looking for a solution instead — keeping a positive attitude.

23. Helping people around you

If you have time and you are in the right place, help people around you.

Often when the people around you need help, it's not the right time or place to help them.

But precisely:if you take the time to help others in this kind of situation, it says a lot about who you are!

24. Have a clean car

Take care to clean your car regularly, whether at home or at the laundromat.

Your car is not a dump. It's important to keep a clean interior — because you never know when you'll need to drive someone home.

25. Take care of the people around you

Many people build a wall between themselves and the people around them. They try to "protect" their emotions.

Instead, take an interest in the lives of the people who live around you.

This will allow you to feel and express your own emotions.

26. Don't be offended unnecessarily

Sometimes the words and actions of those around you can be hurtful. It's part of life.

You can choose to take offense or let it sink in and move on.

27. Assume mistakes

When you make a mistake:acknowledge your mistake, own up to your mistake, and do whatever you can to fix it.

Then move on!

28. Take full advantage of all that life has to offer

If the opportunity arises to discover a new place, learn a new skill or try a new experience:go for it !

Life is for enjoying!

29. Keep up to date

Make it a point to be up to date on international and local news.

Being well-informed and enlightened is power.

30. Traveling

Take the time to uproot yourself and get out of your comfort bubble.

Expose yourself to new peoples, new cultures and new landscapes.

Back home, you will be rich with new memories!

Here you have discovered the 30 things that impress people around you. :-)

Do you know of any other behaviors that impress or inspire those around you? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!