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3 Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Wasp Stings.

3 Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Wasp Stings.

In summer, wasps are everywhere.

They sting as soon as they feel attacked, there's nothing we can do about it.

And it hurts, very badly. No need to go to the pharmacy right away, unless you are allergic!

Fortunately, our grandmothers know natural and effective remedies that can easily relieve us:

3 Effective Home Remedies To Relieve Wasp Stings.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Soak a cotton ball in cider vinegar and apply to the bite. Repeat several times a day if necessary until the pain disappears.

Even better:you can fix the cotton with tape, which you change regularly. Stop when only a small trace of the sting remains.

2. Lemon

Cut a slice of lemon and apply it to your bite. The lemon has an almost immediate effect. You will be relieved after a few minutes. You can of course repeat the operation with another slice of lemon a few hours later.

3. A ballpoint pen

Yes, there, it is more surprising. And yet, it works! It involves drawing a circle around the sting and rotating as quickly as possible until the venom comes out of the skin.

Then remember to disinfect the wound.

There you have it, you have 3 tips to relieve your wasp stings :-).