Want to quickly relieve a sunburn?
No matter how careful you are... sunburn can happen quickly!
But no need to rush on Biafine!
Luckily, there's a little-known home remedy to soothe the heat of a sunburn.
The trick that works very well is to use the peel of a melon to soothe the burn . Weird but effective! Watch:
1. Take a melon peel.
2. Cut it into pieces to have a flat surface.
3. Apply the fleshy side of the bark to the burn.
4. Leave on until the bark becomes warm.
5. Remove it and start again with another piece of bark if necessary.
There you go, thanks to the skin of the melon, you have quickly relieved your sunburn :-)
Practical, economical and efficient, right?
You will immediately feel a feeling of well-being as soon as you put the skin of the melon on your sunburn.
The pulp that remains on the bark, and the bark itself, capture the heat of sunburn and provide immediate relief.
In addition, they prevent the appearance of blisters and scars after sunburn.
- You can hold the bark on the burned part of your skin with a bandage. It is important that the inside of the melon skin is well applied to the skin.
- When you eat a melon, keep the rinds of the melon. Put them in a Ziploc type freezer bag that you place in the freezer. You can leave it there for 3 or 4 days. When you have a sunburn, pull out your magic cure! The peels will be very cold and will bring you even more benefits.
This natural treatment is also effective in relieving minor burns.
In the case of a light burn, you can also pass it under cold water for 10 to 15 minutes, or more if the area is still painful.
Considering all the health benefits of melon, it would be a real shame to deprive yourself of it!
It is rich in minerals, enzymes, natural sugars and potassium, hence its draining properties.
But that's not all. It is also full of calcium, iron, sodium, sulfur, zinc, cellulose, provitamin A and vitamins B1 and C.
And that's good, because not only is summer the time when you get the most sunburn, but it's also melon season!
As a result, we enjoy the juicy flesh of the melon and we also relieve sunburn, thanks to the skin of the melon.
And if you don't know what to do with the seeds, here's a tasty tip for using them.
No waste, nothing is wasted!