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How I keep my beautiful tan as long as possible.

How I keep my beautiful tan as long as possible.

You're all tanned and you want it to last as long as possible?

Here are two things to do to shine all summer long.

The holidays are coming to an end, my tan is on top.

After getting a few sunburns, I took care of my skin and it paid off.

How I keep my beautiful tan as long as possible.

How Do I Keep My Beautiful Tan For As Long As Possible?

1. Rule #1 is to remove dead skin. When the sun hits our skin, it hardens it. If the tan goes away quickly, it's because the dead cells go away quickly, revealing the new skin. In order to have a beautiful deep tan, you must do scrubs regularly. Easily, in the shower, every 2 days, do a light scrub. We have plenty of homemade recipes to make it yourself for free.

2. Who says exfoliation, says hydration. Tanned skin needs to be rid of dead cells, but it also needs to be moisturized regularly because the sun dries out the skin. A good layer of moisturizer all over your body (and why not glitter dry oil to illuminate your tan?) and you're all beautiful. You've gotten a makeover in a way...

Finally, the important thing to be well tanned is not to go out in the sun at the harshest hours (between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.) and put on a sun protection factor that corresponds to your skin type. You know everything, it's up to you.

How's your tan this summer? Are you going to follow my advice to prolong it permanently? Tell me in your comments.