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€71 Saved on my Budget Shampoo.

€71 Saved on my Budget Shampoo.

On, we track all possible savings. Buying shampoo bottles is an integral part of my expenses. So 71 € saved on my shampoo budget, it's always appreciable, isn't it?

I make these savings by swapping my liquid shampoo for a solid shampoo.

More Economical

80 grams of solid shampoo equals 400 mils of liquid shampoo. However, when purchased, solid shampoo costs almost twice as much as its liquid friend. I therefore divide my shampoo budget by two. By doing the same with the conditioner, I do double the trick!

For those who are worried about its effectiveness, rest assured:it washes as well as a liquid shampoo. And smells great no matter which scent you choose.

More Ecological

- The amount of packaging is reduced (and the packaging is often reusable or biodegradable);

- Smaller, it takes up less space in boxes and trucks. Fewer trucks on the road means less CO2;

- It is composed entirely or almost entirely of natural or organic products;

- Its production does not use water, only active ingredients.

Easy to use :I wet my hair, I rub it with the solid shampoo, I massage my scalp and I rinse. I then put it away in its little box to keep it dry.

Did you know the solid shampoo? Leave us a little comment to tell us what you think!

Savings Achieved

In this example, a solid dandruff shampoo costs $5.65, while its 400 mil liquid equivalent costs $11.60. Over the year, the saving is therefore €71.40 , just for the shampoo. Enough to pay me two visits to the hairdresser!