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Bath of milk and roses to take care of her queenly skin.

Bath of milk and roses to take care of her queenly skin.

A milk and rose bath, to take care of your skin , hydrate it, comfort it and feel like a queen for a wash

"It's Cleopatra's bath
Clear and fragrant bath
To bathe her alabaster body
Let's pour the amphorae of milk ”

…singed the dancers, in the adventures of a famous little Gaul who rocked my childhood.

Since then, I have always fantasized about this queen's bath. So today never mind, I decided to treat myself to this royal "little kif".

Ladies, to reveal the queen that lies dormant in each of us, here is the recipe for a relaxing, moisturizing and very delicately scented bath... To be considered in a bathroom adorned with candles with, if possible, a small glass of water to complete the atmosphere.

To start, you will have to pluck the leaves from 10 beautiful roses – which you could very well have displayed in your living room a few days before sacrificing them – and boil the petals in a liter of water for about ten minutes .

Let this decoction rest for a few hours then filter.

Then, we add a liter of semi-skimmed milk – not having found any donkeys to milk in the Paris region – lukewarm and a tablespoon of sweet almond oil (which you buy in an organic shop or at Nature &Découvertes).

If you don't have the heart to sacrifice such beautiful flowers, you can replace them with a few drops of rose essential oil , can be found at the same addresses.

Run your bath before adding the precious filter at the last minute .

The rose is known for its healing and tonic power , it is also an anti-wrinkle and an anti-infective reputed. With sweet almond oil and milk with strong hydrating properties , it is the ideal cocktail for skin damaged by clothing and pollution.

It is also very recommended for young skin prone to imperfections in the back or the neckline.

Savings Achieved

The elements that make up this luxury bath are, however, very inexpensive. Essential oils may be a little less to buy, but they will serve you for many uses and will quickly pay for themselves thanks to how-to-save tips!

And then it's always cheaper than a SPA which costs at least 50 euros or even rather 100 euros and which I cannot afford. This little home treatment is not free but costs me almost nothing compared to a treatment in an institute.