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Homemade Makeup Remover:My Easy &Economical Recipe Revealed.

Homemade Makeup Remover:My Easy &Economical Recipe Revealed.

When you wear a lot of makeup, you have to go through the make-up removal box every evening eyes in addition to that of the face. So, all that gives us a lot of different products to buy. Here is an easy and economical recipe for homemade makeup remover made from chamomile and sweet almond. Very soft, it will have a soothing action for the eyes, ideal before bedtime

Homemade Makeup Remover:My Easy &Economical Recipe Revealed.

Why is it so important to remove eye makeup before bedtime?

During the day we load our eyes with mascara, eyeliner and powder of all kinds. If you do not remove makeup properly from the eyes, the makeup residue will clog the glands located under the eyelashes and form very painful styes. And then, it's also important if you don't want to wake up every morning with panda eyes!

Chamomile/Almond bi-phase make-up remover for the eyes

Ingredients &accessories

6 chamomile flowers (organic stores or herbalists), 200 ml of mineral or filtered water, 100 ml of sweet almond oil (GMS) a saucepan, 1 gauze pad, a pretty bottle, a jar of jam, a small funnel.


Bring the 200 ml of water to a boil, turn off the heat, throw in the chamomile flowers and cover to leave to macerate until the preparation has completely cooled. To filter the mixture, cover the opening of a jam jar with a compress and strain the decoction through it.

In a pretty glass bottle, pour the filtered chamomile water and sweet almond oil using a funnel.

How do you use it?

You now have a bi-phase eye makeup remover as there are many on the market. Before each use you will have to shake the lotion vigorously to mix the chamomile lotion with the sweet almond oil. Then, using the cotton pad generously soaked in this make-up remover, we will rid our eyes of all traces of make-up. Place the cotton for a few seconds on the closed eye, leave to act, then very gently wipe the eyelid. Repeat this gesture for the other eye.


This preparation can easily be kept for two months in a glass bottle in our bathroom.

Why is it good for us?

Sweet almond oil is a natural and gentle make-up remover. Chamomile is recommended to soothe irritation and inflammation of the eye because it is soothing, softening and very well tolerated by the eye and its contour.

One last tip, to clearly recognize your lotion and avoid making a mistake with another, you can make a cute little label that you can tie with a ribbon around the neck of the bottle.

If we don't have nice little glass bottles (Amazon link) at home to put our homemade cosmetics, we can buy pretty bottles in inexpensive decoration stores. From €1.90 for a 200ml bottle (in decoration stores)

Do you take care of your eyes by removing make-up every evening? Come and tell us all about it in the comments.