How to help the kidneys work well?
Simply by eating kidney-friendly foods.
Because according to my naturopathic doctor, diet plays a major role in preserving the kidneys.
Let's not forget it! The kidneys have a vital function in the body since they filter the blood and eliminate all waste products.
It is therefore important to take care of them by choosing the right foods for their functioning.
Here are 12 foods that are beneficial for the kidneys to put on your plate without further delay...
But also those that you absolutely must avoid. Watch:
Olive oil is the basis of the Cretan diet.
And this diet is proven to be excellent for your health.
Olive oil is not for nothing.
It is rich in antioxidants and minerals . And its health benefits are numerous.
It is recommended to detoxify the body.
As a result, it protects the kidneys.
You can take a spoon every morning.
But that's for the brave!
Otherwise, just season your salads with it.
It is a vegetable that can be found almost all year round on market stalls.
And that's good because carrots are a concentrate of fiber and vitamins B, A and E.
It strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps improve eyesight and fights aging.
It also has diuretic properties .
It is an asset for the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
How to eat it? In soup, in juice, cooked or raw and grated in salad or raw by grating it...
Watermelon is the star of summer. It is waterlogged.
Very low in calories, it contains more than 90% water . And we know how important water is for our health.
Nevertheless, it is rich in vitamins and mineral salts.
And above all, it helps prevent diseases affecting the urinary tract.
The apple is the healthiest fruit par excellence.
We all know the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Low in calories, rich in fiber, it improves intestinal transit and helps to eliminate toxins in the body.
Moreover, it is also for this reason that apple cider vinegar is recommended when you suffer from kidney failure.
Lemon is part of the superfood category.
Not only is it a vitamin C concentrate, but it is also a mine of antioxidants !
It protects the immune system and eliminates toxins in the body.
How? 'Or' What ? By stimulating the enzymes and therefore the liver.
You can drink lemon juice with water every morning to enjoy its benefits.
An advice ? If you combine parsley with lemon, you have a super powerful detox combo.
Like all red fruits, blueberries are an asset for health, so many are their benefits.
They are powerful antioxidants that protect your body.
They are naturally high in fiber and sweet.
But above all, blueberries contain little sodium, phosphorus and potassium.
And that is very good for your kidneys.
In summer, you can make a cure of red peppers.
In salads, marinated, cooked, sautéed, stuffed...
Whatever the recipe, it's always a treat.
And for health, it's a safe bet.
They contain antioxidants that help our body fight against cell aging.
But that's not all.
Because they are also very poor in minerals , especially sodium and potassium.
Perfect for preserving the kidneys!
Cabbage is an excellent vegetable for the functioning of the kidneys.
It is super rich in vitamins and minerals.
This is also the case with cauliflower, watercress, broccoli... In short, all crucifers!
On the other hand, cabbage contains low potassium, phosphorus and sodium.
These 3 mineral salts tend to strain the kidneys a lot and tire them out unnecessarily.
So it's time to prepare a good cabbage soup!
If your kidneys are tired, it is absolutely necessary to limit the consumption of se l.
To avoid ending up with bland dishes, use garlic.
It will enhance the flavors of your recipes and make you forget the salt.
But above all, you can enjoy all its health benefits.
It is particularly rich in vitamin C and B6.
And it's a powerful anti-inflammatory.
We are talking about fish!
Yes, in order not to put too much strain on the kidneys, it is recommended to consume less meat .
But that doesn't mean you have to do without animal protein completely.
For example, you can eat fish to fill up on protein and omega-3s.
Bass is also a good alternative, as it is one of the fish that contains the least phosphorus.
To discover: The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.
Among the exotic fruits, the pineapple is an exception.
Indeed, unlike bananas, kiwis or oranges, pineapple is poor in potassium .
Which makes the kidneys work less!
If you have kidney problems, do not hesitate to eat it.
Not only is it delicious, but this fruit is also rich in fibre, manganese and vitamin C.
Small peculiarity of pineapple:the bromelain found in large quantities in this fruit.
Good news, because it is an enzyme that reduces inflammation.
This is an excellent vegetable for the kidneys and the liver.
Leek is known for its purifying and diuretic properties.
This is what makes it an essential food to prevent urinary tract infections.
In natural medicine, it is also known to eliminate uric acid, which relieves the kidneys.
It is also rich in mineral salts.
So don't hesitate to put some in your soups or vegetable pies!
There you go, now you know what foods to eat tostrengthen the kidneys and offer them a detox.
But do you know the harmful foods to avoid?
If your kidneys are fragile or if you suffer from kidney failure, you must adapt your diet.
There are certain things to avoid from your diet:
Composed of sodium chloride, it is bad for the functioning of the kidneys.
Beware of ready-made dishes that are stuffed with it!
Instead, use herbs and spices to spice up your dishes.
Animal proteins turn into urea which accumulates in the blood.
It's a big job for the kidneys to eliminate it!
Better not overload them with work.
Instead, eat plant-based protein.
For that, focus on fruits and vegetables!
And we lift our feet on meat, eggs, cheese, cereals...
...that raise acid levels in the body.
Did you know that the kidneys ensure a good acid-base balance?
If they work less well, you risk suffering from chronic acidosis.
In small doses, phosphorus is useful for good health.
But if the kidneys work badly, it no longer eliminates the phosphorus that remains in the blood.
Ultimately, this can notably weaken the bones and promote a number of diseases.
Know that phosphorus is found in cheese and dairy products in general, eggs, seafood and meat.
If the kidneys are tired, they have trouble eliminating potassium.
The potassium level can then rise in the blood.
And it's not good for your heart at all!
The problem is that some fruits and vegetables are particularly rich in potassium .
This is the case with bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, prunes...
It is better to avoid eating too much if you suffer from kidney failure.
And of course, alcohol and tobacco should be avoided to preserve your kidneys.
Both are dangerous for the kidneys.
Alcohol is a slow poison and puts too much strain on the kidneys.
As for cigarettes...
Did you know that smoking increases the risk of kidney disease by 2.6?
Another good reason to quit smoking!
Coca-Cola is also a drink that you should avoid drinking if you want to keep your kidneys healthy.
Why ? The explanation here.