Calluses are those little hard patches of skin on the feet .
They form a natural shield to protect the skin from too much pressure.
The problem is that they can sometimes be very painful and unsightly...
But to remove them, you don't need to spend your money on a specialist for medical treatment!
My podiatrist entrusted me with a natural treatment to soften them and get rid of them easily.
The effective remedy is to soak your feet in hot bicarbonate water, then sand off the calluses . Watch:
- 1 liter of hot water
- 1 glass of baking soda
- basin
- foot file
1. Put the hot water in the basin.
2. Add the baking soda.
3. Mix well.
4. Immerse your feet in this bath.
5. Let them soak for about fifteen minutes.
6. Use the foot rasp to smooth out the calluses.
And There you go ! You now know the best remedy to remove calluses easily :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It's still better than having sore feet and spending your money on a podiatrist!
This treatment works equally well whether the callus is placed under the foot or on a toe.
To sand off the calluses, you can use either a manual rasp or an electric rasp.
Be careful not to remove the calluses too much, as they have a use for the skin.
For example, they can be used as natural protection in shoes.
If you remove them completely, you risk having a foot injury.
So if it's not painful or unsightly, the callus may stay in place and be just a little reduced every once in a while.
On the other hand, if it begins to become painful, bluish, to open and ooze, you should consult a doctor, especially if you are diabetic.
Hot water and baking soda make the skin more supple and soften the calluses on the feet.
Once the skin is more supple, the foot rasp allows you to scrape the callus and reduce its size easily.
In addition, bicarbonate sanitizes, deodorizes and disinfects the feet.