I often get swollen feet from the heat.
As a result, my feet look like those of the Bibendum Michelin!
My feet are then all stubby in my sandals and the straps leave terrible marks on the skin.
It's not really pretty and besides, it's super uncomfortable to walk on.
Fortunately, my grandmother entrusted me with her natural remedy to quickly relieve swollen feet.
The effective treatment is to make a magnesium chloride foot bath with sage leaves . Watch:
- 2 tablespoons of magnesium chloride (or Nigari)
- a basin
- some sage leaves (optional)
1. Fill the basin with lukewarm water.
2. Pour in the magnesium chloride.
3. Stir to combine.
4. Add the sage leaves.
5. Immerse your feet in this bath.
6. Leave on for 15 min.
7. Dry your feet well.
There you go, thanks to this grandmother's remedy, your feet are no longer swollen :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more saggy feet! Your feet are no longer painful and have regained their lightness.
This treatment is recommended for tired, painful and swollen feet due to heat.
It relieves, relaxes and tones swollen feet in minutes.
No need to buy gel to lighten and relieve swollen feet!
Fluid retention in the tissues is responsible most of the time for the swelling of the feet.
The magnesium contained in magnesium chloride is released on contact with warm water. It is thus more easily absorbed by the skin.
It helps to relax and tone the feet. It improves blood circulation and helps reduce fluid buildup.
Sage regulates perspiration. Very useful when it's hot!
Another trick to relieve swollen feet...
You can also put 10 drops of cypress essential oil and 5 drops of lemon essential oil in a basin of warm water.
Then take a ten-minute foot bath to regain light feet.
- Pass a jet of cold shower on your legs starting from the bottom of the leg to the top. Vary the intensity of the jet, but avoid freezing water. Continue for 5 min.
- Wear class 3 compression stockings or soak socks in menthol lotion and put them on for 15 minutes.
- Elevate your legs by leaning them vertically on a wall. Or lay them on a chair when working in a seated position.
- Put a thick cushion under your feet at night.
- Avoid overweight and do not eat fatty foods.
- Eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as omega-3s, vitamin C and E.
Choose foods that are good for blood circulation (fish, white meat, red fruits and vegetables). They have the particularity of reducing water retention.
Swollen feet are often caused by heat, fatigue, long walking, or prolonged standing or sitting.
But it can also be a sign of more serious diseases:venous insufficiency, diabetes... It is therefore best to consult a doctor.
If you are pregnant, severe swelling in the feet may be a sign of pre-eclampsia. This is a medical emergency and you should seek medical attention immediately.
Magnesium chloride (or Nigari) treatments are not recommended for people with kidney failure or kidney disorders. So consult a doctor if you are concerned before starting this treatment.