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The Magic Remedy To NEVER CATCH the Tourista On Vacation Again.

The Magic Remedy To NEVER CATCH the Tourista On Vacation Again.

In some countries, you have to watch what you eat .

Yes, the tourista is watching us and when she hits, it hurts!

Traveller's diarrhea can easily ruin a vacation...

And when you're abroad, it's not always easy to get a prescription for effective drugs.

Fortunately, there is a magic remedy to avoid catching a tourista while traveling.

The preventive treatment is to eat raw garlic before leaving . Watch:

The Magic Remedy To NEVER CATCH the Tourista On Vacation Again.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • How to treat a tourista?
  • Additional tips

How to

At least 2 weeks before leaving, consider eating raw garlic daily.

To do this, simply add a finely minced clove of garlic to the dishes you cook at home.

If the taste is too strong for you, you can also put 1 drop of garlic essential oil in 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Then all you have to do is drizzle your food with this mixture.


The Magic Remedy To NEVER CATCH the Tourista On Vacation Again.

And There you go ! Thanks to this preventive treatment, no more catching the turista on vacation :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

This grandmother's remedy drastically reduces the risk of infections that one can have in an exotic country.

It helps boost the immune system and protect your body from the microbes you ingest.

Why does it work?

Garlic has very powerful disinfectant properties known since Antiquity. Read our article on the subject.

Eating it regularly before and during an infection kills bacteria and speeds healing.

How to treat a tourista?

Did you catch the tourista? Don't worry, there is an effective remedy to cure it quickly.

Here too, the trick is to eat a little raw garlic with every meal at the first signs and to continue this treatment until the end of the turista.

This trick also works if you take garlic capsules. Garlic is an excellent disinfectant for the intestine.

If you don't have garlic on hand, it also works with apple cider vinegar or lime juice.

Additional advice

- If you travel to a country at risk (Mexico, Thailand, India, Morocco, Egypt, Vietnam, Dominican Republic, Tunisia, etc.), never drink tap water.

- Remember to ask for drinks without ice cubes and avoid ice cream.

- In the same way, avoid eating raw vegetables or unpeeled fruits.

- Remember this golden rule:"Boil, bake, peel or skip it".