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Cosmetics and Skincare:12 Toxic Products to Avoid.

Cosmetics and Skincare:12 Toxic Products to Avoid.

Did you know that our skin absorbs 60% of the products we put on it?

And for children, this rate is even higher.

In fact, their skin absorbs 40 to 50% more products than that of adults.

The risk for children of developing diseases when they have been exposed to toxins is therefore even higher.

Here is the list of the 12 toxic ingredients to avoid in cosmetics and skin care:

Cosmetics and Skincare:12 Toxic Products to Avoid.

List of 12 ingredients to avoid:

Benzoyl peroxide

Used in acne products. Suspected of promoting cancerous tumors. May act as a mutagen. Damages DNA in humans and mammals. Toxic by inhalation. Irritates eyes, skin and respiratory system.

DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamide), TEA (Triethanolamine)

This foam booster is a skin and eye irritant. It causes contact dermatitis. Is easily absorbed through the skin and accumulates in the organs and the brain.


It does not appear in the ingredients. Often found in antibacterial ingredients like triclosan, emulsifiers, PEGs and ethyl cleansers. Dioxins cause cancer, reduce immunity, cause nervous system disorders, miscarriages and fetal malformations.

DMDM Indatoin and Urea (Imidazolidinyl)

Two preservatives that release formaldehyde which can cause pain, cancer, skin reactions, allergies, depression, headaches, chest pain, ear infections, chronic fatigue, dizziness and insomnia.

Food colorings

Synthetic colors from coal coal contain salts &heavy metals which deposit toxins on the skin causing irritation and skin sensitivities. Absorption may cause respiratory failure. Animal studies have shown them to be carcinogenic.

Paraben (Methyl, Butyl, Ethyl, Propylated)

Used as a preservative. Not always indicated. Used in deodorants and other skin care products. It has been found in breast cancer tumors. May contribute to male infertility, hormonal imbalance and precocious puberty.

PEG (Polyethylene Glycol)

Made with Ethoxylated Propylene Glycol. Dangerous levels of dioxins have been found in products made with an ethoxylation process. PEGs are in all personal care, baby care, and sunscreen products.


Found in many products. In general, they are not indicated. Health effects include kidney problems, liver problems, birth problems, decreased sperm count, early breast development in girls and boys.

Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol

Petroleum plastic. The Environmental Protection Agency considers PGs to be so toxic that you need gloves, clothing and goggles to handle them. She advises not to touch them to avoid brain, liver and kidney problems.

It prohibits skin contact to prevent brain, kidney and liver abnormalities.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) / Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

Used in car washes, garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers and in 90% of foaming personal care products. Eye damage, depression, breathing difficulties, diarrhoea, skin irritation.

Chemicals contained in sunscreens

Avobenzone, benzophenone, PABA generally use ingredients known as free radical generators. They are suspected of damaging DNA and leading to cancer.


Antibacterial synthetic ingredient. The US Environmental Protection Agency has registered it as a pesticide, causing risks to human health and the environment. Classified as chlorophenol, a chemical suspected of causing cancer in humans.

Consequences on your health

The health consequences of these toxic ingredients are far from negligible.

By putting these products on your skin, you increase the risk of skin allergies, the risk of cancer, infertility, problems with the birth of your baby, reproductive problems and learning disabilities.

Our advice

Cosmetics and Skincare:12 Toxic Products to Avoid.

When you buy a cosmetic product, turn it over and look at the ingredients it contains!

The longer the list of ingredients, the less it is a good sign. And the less you understand about the listed ingredients, the worse it is!

Preferably, try to limit as much as possible to apply this kind of products on your skin and that of your children.

This is true for deodorants, sunscreens, moisturizers, shower gels, shampoos, masks and of course makeup.

The solution?

First of all, it is best to limit daily cosmetics as much as possible.

Most of them are not very useful and moreover are expensive.

Then, it is always better to favor organic cosmetics and skin care.

Unfortunately, it's not always given... So the solution remains to make them yourself.

For this, we recommend the following recipes:

- Homemade shampoo.

- Homemade deodorant.

- Homemade mask.

- Natural self-tanner.

- Homemade sunscreen.

- Homemade Shower Gel.

- Moisturizing skin care.

There you go, you now know how to avoid toxic products in cosmetics and skin care :-)

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