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How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

They say that our smile is our best asset to be beautiful.

The problem is that over time the teeth end up yellowing...

Not great when you smile in vacation photos!

But don't bother buying commercial whitening kits...

Not only is it not cheap, but it rarely works and it damages the teeth!

Fortunately, there is a natural and 100% effective alternative to healthy teeth whitening. Watch:

How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • Good to know
  • Why does it work?
  • The whitening toothpaste recipe
  • 2 other effective alternatives

And to find the natural ingredient that whitens your teeth, you don't have to go very far...

It's already in your kitchen:it's turmeric !

Yes, turmeric is not only a natural alternative, but it is also much more affordable and effective.

Don't worry, it's easy to apply and the results are amazing from the 1st use.


- organic turmeric powder

- toothbrush

How to

1. Wet your toothbrush.

2. Dip it in a small pinch of turmeric powder, about ⅛ of a teaspoon.

3. Brush your teeth as usual, but don't rinse your mouth out at the end.

4. Let the turmeric sit on your teeth for 3-5 min , time to work its little natural magic.

5. Spit the turmeric into the sink.

6. Rinse your mouth thoroughly.

7. Brush your teeth a second time, but with your usual toothpaste this time.


How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

There you go, thanks to turmeric, you have whitened your teeth naturally :-)

You will surely notice a difference from the 1st application .

But if not, don't panic! Continue the treatment for a few days, even 1 week.

Thanks to the whitening properties of turmeric, your smile will be brighter, more radiant... and your teeth whiter :-)

I'm even willing to bet that, like me, you too will encourage all your loved ones to rub turmeric on their teeth.

You will see, even the most skeptical (including myself) will be pleasantly surprised!

Good to know

How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

- Turmeric will slightly tint the bristles of your toothbrush yellow. Personally, I don't mind. I'd rather have white teeth and a yellow toothbrush than the other way around :-)

- If necessary, clean your sink . Depending on its porosity, turmeric can turn your sink's coating yellow if you wait too long to clean it.

- If you notice small traces of yellow in the corners of your mouth, clean them with a little soap and they will go away on their own.

- Similarly, if there is a little turmeric powder left on your teeth or gums, it may leave a slight yellow tint. But once the turmeric is rinsed off, your teeth will be whiter and brighter.

Why does it work?

How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

Turmeric is a large perennial herb from India. It is its rhizomes that provide a delicious yellow spice.

Moreover, turmeric is used to give mustard its beautiful yellow color.

Turmeric stains just about anything it touches. Those who have spilled it on their clothes know this well.

But on the teeth, turmeric has an amazing effect! Indeed, turmeric powder removes stains on teeth .

But that's not all:turmeric also helps whiten teeth and even out their color .

Even though the whitening properties of turmeric are recognized, their exact mechanism still remains a mystery to science.

In any case, what is certain is that it works SUPER WELL!

The whitening toothpaste recipe

How To Whiten Yellow Teeth With Turmeric (100% Natural And Effective).

Know that you can also add coconut oil to turmeric to make you a super effective whitening toothpaste .

Nothing could be simpler!

Simply mix in a small bowl ¼ tsp turmeric powder with ⅛ tsp melted coconut oil.

Then dip your toothbrush in this mixture and brush your teeth with it before letting it act for 5 min.

All that remains is to spit out that homemade toothpaste, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth a second time with your usual toothpaste.

2 other effective alternatives

There are many natural alternatives to commercial whitening products. Here are the 2 most effective:

- Activated carbon: okay, it looks like squid ink when you brush your teeth with it. But, I swear, activated charcoal is recognized as one of the best natural ingredients for whitening your teeth. The tutorial is here.

- The siwak sticks: the souak or siwak is a small branch from an oriental tree, the Salvadora persica , which has a whitening and sanitizing action on the mouth. It is an excellent ingredient for whitening your teeth naturally and at a low price. The tutorial is here.