Dark circles in the morning...
You have surely experienced this ordeal several times.
We wake up, eyes circled like an Asian panda, eyes tired and not really in the right axis.
Fortunately, there are a lot of little natural, homemade and inexpensive tricks to do to hide our dark circles.
I have therefore concocted for you the top 7 of the best tips to fight tired eyes and persistent dark circles. Top start!
A little homemade recipe with coffee grounds can effectively reduce your dark circles.
Put directly in the fridge for a pleasant "tonic awakening" effect, you can apply your mask around dark circles and wait 15 minutes.
Do you know green tea ice cream sticks?
It's a tasty cocktail of green tea, wonderful antioxidant, and cold which decongests and tightens pores. It will allow you to say goodbye to your dark circles. We can start off on the right foot and above all with a good eye!
A great classic and surely the cheapest of all:frosted spoons.
Just put them in the freezer and apply them to the eyes until they warm up on contact.
Result:we get rid of our tired look in no time.
As much prevention as cure. We start the treatment at bedtime.
Using a cotton ball, we apply a tasty mixture of olive oil and lemon to our dark circles.
We sleep and wake up more and more beautiful. To be done daily, this tip is especially for the toughest dark circles.
Cucumber is rich in water and vitamin C. This is why it is often recommended to erase dark circles.
Thus, it hydrates our skin which is full of vitamins in passing.
In this trick, you have 3 ways to use cucumber to erase your dark circles :
1. Put simple cucumber slices on the eyes for 10 min.
2. Peel and mash your cucumber to obtain a juice mixed with the pulp. Dip 2 make-up removal discs in this mixture. Apply them on the eyes for 15 min.
3. The day before, cut a few slices of a peeled cucumber. Macerate them in a cup of milk. Leave to rest in the fridge overnight. In the morning, apply 2 cotton pads soaked in your lotion to each eye for 10 minutes.
And why not apply a little elbow grease and perform a specific concealer massage?
Using your ten fingers, you will tap as needed on the areas concerned to reduce dark circles and reveal a wonderful fresh and flirtatious look. Get to work!
Here is my latest discovery to hide dark circles naturally. Chamomile tea will make it possible to reduce the dark circles caused by yesterday's big evening.
1. Nothing could be simpler, when I wake up, I boil some water and add chamomile in a sachet.
2. I let it infuse 10 min .
3. When they have cooled, I put the sachets on my dark circles. And I stay like that for 30 min.
Maybe it's time to go take a little restorative nap. Yes, dark circles are also the consequence of lack of sleep, a classic result after a late and festive wake.