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The Unusual Trick To Unclog Your Nose Very Quickly.

The Unusual Trick To Unclog Your Nose Very Quickly.

Do you have a stuffy nose all the time?

Whether you have a cold or not, it is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there is a very effective grandmother's remedy to quickly unclog it.

The quick fix is ​​to use mustard to decongest the nose and bronchial tubes. Watch:

The Unusual Trick To Unclog Your Nose Very Quickly.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus tip
  • Why it works

How to

1. Spread a layer of petroleum jelly on your chest.

2. Then put mustard directly on your chest.

3. Place over a cloth moistened with warm water.

4. Let this poultice act for 15 min.


And now, in a few minutes, your nose will be clear :-)

You will feel better. You regain your sense of smell and you breathe better.

Bonus tip

Have you ever eaten something so spicy that you start sweating and have a runny nose?

If you're in a hurry, eat a good spoonful of mustard:the mustard will "go up your nose" and... you'll uncork it quickly!

Take strong mustard, it is more effective.

Why it works

Mustard contains myrosine and sinigrin which thins the mucus and facilitates its evacuation.