Tired of flat, sagging buttocks?
Only one solution:toning and strengthening your buttocks !
If you want a rounded and muscular butt, you've come to the right place!
To have a dream buttocks, all you have to do is take up the challenge of perfect buttocks in 4 weeks !
Yes, it must be admitted, having flat buttocks is not the most attractive thing...
To look sexy and attractive, women, like men, know that it is better to have firm and plump buttocks!
Fortunately, this challenge is super effective for having a perfectly plump buttocks that will turn all heads!
And don't panic, because it only takes 3 exercises and 4 weeks to get a dream butt!
So, ready to take up the challenge to have firm and plump buttocks? Let's go ! Here is the program:
Day 1: 10 star jumps, 10 lunges, 15 squats
Day 2: 15 star jumps, 15 lunges, 20 squats
Day 3: 20 star jumps, 20 lunges, 25 squats
Day 4: 25 star jumps, 25 lunges, 30 squats
Day 5: 30 star jumps, 30 lunges, 35 squats
Day 6: 35 star jumps, 35 lunges, 40 squats
Day 7: REST
Day 8: 30 star jumps, 30 lunges, 35 squats
Day 9: 35 star jumps, 35 lunges, 40 squats
Day 10: 40 star jumps, 40 lunges, 45 squats
Day 11: 45 star jumps, 45 lunges, 50 squats
Day 12: 50 star jumps, 50 lunges, 55 squats
Day 13: 55 star jumps, 55 lunges, 60 squats
Day 14: REST
Day 15: 50 star jumps, 50 lunges, 55 squats
Day 16: 55 star jumps, 55 lunges, 60 squats
Day 17: 60 star jumps, 60 lunges, 65 squats
Day 18: 65 star jumps, 65 lunges, 70 squats
Day 19: 70 star jumps, 70 lunges, 75 squats
Day 20: 75 star jumps, 75 lunges, 80 squats
Day 21: REST
Day 22: 70 star jumps, 70 lunges, 75 squats
Day 23: 75 star jumps, 75 lunges, 80 squats
Day 24: 80 star jumps, 80 lunges, 85 squats
Day 25: 85 star jumps, 85 lunges, 90 squats
Day 26: 90 star jumps, 90 lunges, 95 squats
Day 27: 95 star jumps, 95 lunges, 100 squats
Day 28: END
In just 4 weeks, this challenge will help you not only firm up your butt, but also tone your entire lower body.
Plus, it's easy because there is only one thing to do:follow the program !
The 3 most effective exercises for toning the gluteal muscles are:
1. star jumps
2. slots
3. squats
These three exercises target the 3 main muscles of the buttocks :
1. the gluteus maximus thanks to the exercise of the star jumps
2. the gluteus medius thanks to the lunges exercise
3. the small buttocks thanks to the exercise of squats
The secret to having well-rounded buttocks lies in the angles you use to work the 3 gluteal muscles.
This is because when you work the gluteal muscles from multiple angles, you not only work the muscles, but also the segments that attach to the skeleton of the pelvis.
Thus, these 3 exercises tone the gluteal muscles and shape them into a nice pair of firm and shapely buttocks.
The star jump is one of the basic exercises for warming up. It is perfect for working the gluteus maximus but also for strengthening the legs. If you are a beginner, this is by far the best exercise to easily start a training session.
1. Get into the starting position:standing with your back straight , arms along the body, feet hip-width apart and contracting your abs.
2. Slightly bend your knees and jump up, spreading your legs. At the same time, raise your arms until your hands touch above your head.
3. Do the opposite movement:jump again, bringing your legs and arms together to return to the starting position.
One complete cycle (gap then return to starting position) =1 star jump.
The "lunge" exercise requires the muscles of the hips and thighs , with a forward and backward movement of the legs. But it is also an effective exercise to melt away the extra pounds. The forward movement is perfect for shaping the buttocks and toning the entire lower body. A short month is enough to obtain impressive results.
1. Starting position:keep the bust straight , with shoulders back , chest forward and chin up. Contract your abs .
2. Take a step forward with the left foot.
3. Bend both legs until the right knee almost touches the ground and the left knee is at a 90° angle.
4. Straighten up to return to the starting position and do the same movement with the opposite leg.
The squat requires almost every muscle in the body and is particularly effective in shaping the legs and gluteal muscles. Moreover, it is an exercise that you already do during your daily tasks, without even realizing it. For example, picking up an object from the floor or sitting down and getting up from a chair. Try to go down as low as possible to properly stretch the gluteal and thigh muscles.
1. Stand up with your back straight. The spacing of the feet is slightly wider than the hips and the arms are along the body.
2. Point your toes slightly outward and look straight ahead. Choose a fixed point that you can watch for the duration of the squat.
3. Hold your arms parallel to the floor for good balance.
4. Slowly push your butt backwards, bending both legs.
5. The back must remain straight throughout the movement, with the shoulders brought back.
6. On the descent, push your buttocks up until your hips are lower than your knees.
7. Contract all your muscles well and put the weight of your body on your heels and not on tiptoe.
8. Pause for a few seconds and straighten up to return to the starting position.
To strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks , some sports are more effective than others. To help you have a perfectly sculpted body, favor the following sports:
- run
- cycling
- swimming
- gymnastics
- volleyball
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and focus on lean proteins and healthy fats such as nuts, chicken and fish.
- Try shapewear, like these butt lifters.
- Regularly do jump-squats or other core exercises.
- Put on high-waisted, fitted pants that show off your curves.
- Take part in swimming and other sports that sculpt the gluteal muscles.
- Drink plenty of water.
There you go, now you know the program to have nice firm and plump buttocks in just 4 weeks :-)
I'm sure this challenge will help you and at the end of the month you will be amazed with the results!
In addition to toning the gluteal muscles, these 3 exercises also help to lose weight and strengthen your body.