Nail biting is a real pain.
We may find our hands very ugly, yet we can't stop.
But there are natural and fairly simple methods to achieve this.
Onychophagia is the act of biting one's nails. This nasty habit often comes from stress .
We bite our nails in an uncontrolled way.
So how do you stop biting your nails? Here are some grandmother's recipes to permanently stop biting your nails. No medicine needed!
The first method to follow is therefore psychological , which is then added with 1 or 2 others in parallel, as desired.
The first thing is to not blame yourself or make the person who bites their nails feel guilty. This can create new anxiety attacks that would accentuate the onychophagia even more.
One of the causes of this problem is stress or anxiety. You have to try to understand where the anxiety comes from who pushes this gesture. A little introspection, a dialogue with a close friend or a few yoga sessions can help to see things more clearly and start a process of rediscovered serenity . In zen mode, everything is better. It is a very effective basic treatment.
We must not hide our face:biting your nails is attacking his body.
There is therefore nothing like transferring this aggressiveness to a sporting activity.
This allows to channel anxiety and aggressiveness and is good for body and mind. This is a proven technique.
Follow the little sports tips from our coach François. Personally, I recommend these tips:
- relaxing the shoulders brings serenity and rest,
- doing sports in the morning puts you in a good mood,
- or even 12 minutes of simple exercises a day, including walking, give you a steely mind.
Behind this somewhat whimsical title hides the most natural way to help get disgusted with this gesture...
Do you think your nails taste good? If so, then add a foul taste to them which will help you not to want to eat them anymore. It is quite an effective treatment for children.
The bitter nail biting varnish sold in pharmacies is not given. So, if you want to give your nails a bad taste to avoid biting them, apply something that you find strong, or that you don't like at all:
- bitter lemon
- strong mustard
- white vinegar
- crushed pepper
The choice is vast. It is an organic solution to stop biting your nails naturally. And, conversely , remember to prepare small dishes that you love . They will be more pleasant to eat than your filthy fingernails.
I can only encourage you to hijack quite simply the compulsive gesture represented by this nasty onychophagia. A bit like smokers who want to quit, another gesture must take over to prevent you from biting your nails.
Examples :
- chewing gum
- fiddling with a paperclip, eraser or rubber band
- massage his fingers
- wear small gloves or small bandages in front of the TV
But don't start smoking instead. I'm counting on you.
Strongly linked to the psychological method, this method has the advantage of showing you how beautiful your hands would be. without those eaten fingertips.
For those who wish, there is the possibility of wearing false nails , and so see how nice it is to have. Besides, it's hard to bite fake nails.
That said, there are much less expensive or even free methods:
- Want to wear your favorite ring again can motivate (nothing uglier than a beautiful piece of jewelry on ugly fingers).
- Getting pretty, soft hands helps you want them to be really perfect.
- Help nails grow faster by soaking them each evening in warm soapy water.
- Apply colored varnish . I know... It's surprising, you might think it will be awful on bitten nails, but it helps not to dare to bite them and thus crack the beautiful varnish that you finally dared to put on.