As a smoker (yes, everyone has flaws. ..), you hate having your fingers marked with nicotine.
It really doesn't look neat and shows immediately.
But fortunately, there is a solution...
Did you know that when we have a conversation with a person, the eyes of our interlocutor will naturally focus on our hands?
Witnesses of our life, they reflect our personality, so it is very important to take care of them and keep them clean and neat.
Here are some very simple solutions to remove nicotine stains from your hands and nails and which, as a bonus, will get rid of bad smells.
At we love lemon, I would say even more, lemon is our friend!
It has so many virtues and uses that it is an ingredient to have at home absolutely.
For nicotine on fingers and nails, juice is used.
With the nail brush, we rub, we rub, we rub.
Be careful, don't go so far as to tear your fingers off!
This treatment must be applied several days in a row to overcome the nicotine.
A little aggressive, it works, but don't forget to go through the hand hydration box next if you don't want your hands to look 15 years older.
Another simple trick is to rub your fingers with toothpaste.
The whitening agents it contains will attack the yellow of nicotine.
In the same way as for the lemon, it will take several applications to overcome it.
Rinse with clean water and moisturize your hands...
As a bonus, you will see that the toothpaste has a light exfoliating action, your hands will become very soft.
Otherwise, we can consider quitting smoking! Not easy, I know, especially because of the side effects of quitting.
And if your lips are blackened by tobacco, there are effective and natural remedies.