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Painful hair removal? 3 Effective Tricks to Reduce Pain.

Painful hair removal? 3 Effective Tricks to Reduce Pain.

Between the so-called painless epilator, or the wax that you tears the skin with the hairs, you all know how unpleasant a hair removal can be.

And yet an epilator is expensive, the wax too... and the soothing cream, let's not talk about it!

So, to stop dreading this moment (too much), reduce the pain and avoid spending your money unnecessarily, here are 3 effective tips!

A Hot Shower

Painful hair removal? 3 Effective Tricks to Reduce Pain.

It may sound silly, but taking a hot shower before waxing goes a long way to lessen the pain.

Why ? Because the heat of the water opens the pores of the skin , and therefore facilitates the passage of the hair bulb. Basically, the hairs pull out more easily , and therefore doing less harm .

If you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, try to pass hot water on the part concerned, even if the effect will not necessarily be the same; it will always help!

My Favorite Weapon:Talc

Painful hair removal? 3 Effective Tricks to Reduce Pain.

After the shower, or the little passage in the water, and even without, I always put a little talc on my skin!

Why ? Because talc absorbs moisture , and therefore prevents the wax from "sticking" too much to the skin, so much so that by tearing it off you can hurt yourself very badly. This is what sometimes happens to very sensitive or simply slightly damp skin. And it doesn't feel good...

So we take a little talc on our hands and spread it on the area to be waxed . Not too much, otherwise the wax will not adhere at all.

One ​​Exfoliation per Month

Painful hair removal? 3 Effective Tricks to Reduce Pain.

Exfoliation, for the whole body moreover, has only qualities :it unclogs pores, prevents blackheads, and ingrown hairs... I really advise you to do it regularly .

By need to invest in products at incredible prices, a simple soap with "grains" in it will suffice. Or even a little homemade recipe.

However, be sure to hydrate your skin afterwards , because exfoliation can dry out the skin a lot.

There you go, you now know what you have to do to stop suffering so much during hair removal! Smooth and soft skin is yours.

Do you know any other tricks like this? Share them in your comments.