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How to Cure a Mild Burn with an Egg.

How to Cure a Mild Burn with an Egg.

No, you're not dreaming.

To relieve a light burn, you can use an egg.

Yes, you just need an egg.

Finally, you mostly need white, specifically.

Here's how:

How to Cure a Mild Burn with an Egg.

  • How to
  • Result

How to

1. When you burn yourself slightly, take an egg.

2. Separate the yolk from the white.

3. Spread the white on your burn.

4. Wait for it to dry.

5. Remove it.

6. If you still have pain, repeat the operation once.


There you go, you healed your little burn with just 1 egg!

Practical, easy and effective! No need to use Biafine. The egg white quickly relieves your little burn.