Temporary constipation is not serious...
But it's very unpleasant!
No need to resort to drugs that are often too expensive to relieve mild constipation.
Fortunately, there is an effective trick to eliminate this transit problem.
Grandma's natural remedy is to simply drink coffee.
1. Brew yourself some strong coffee.
2. Drink 3 cups in the same day.
There you go, you have quickly solved your constipation problem :-)
Have you ever noticed?
Try it, you'll tell me about it... I assure you that if I drink a coffee, I'll want to go to the bathroom soon after...
Mild constipation passes easily with a few everyday tips. We eat certain fruits rich in fiber, spinach or green beans. And it goes...
And with 3 cups of a day , no more worries, without even thinking about it!
Since children are too young to drink coffee, here are some other tips for them.