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When the usefulness of toothpaste is not really unanimous

The spearhead of our oral hygiene, toothpaste has long been widely used on a global scale. However, this product can be questioned, for several reasons. Indeed, some specialists on the subject say that toothpaste is not essential.

Limited effects in the absence of fluoride

It is generally accepted that toothpaste contributes to oral hygiene in many ways. It makes it easier to remove dental plaque, avoid bad breath and prevent tooth and gum diseases, such as gingivitis. However, the question of its real usefulness arises and is relayed by the magazine The New Scientist this July 7, 2021. The latter has indeed questioned three professionals from the field of dentistry.

Stephen Johnson, a dentist in Oregon (United States), first of all reminds us that not all toothpastes necessarily contain fluoride. This natural mineral would continue to remineralize tooth enamel. The advantage of toothpastes can then be found in their abrasiveness, facilitating the elimination of stains . We should also mention the presence of surfactants whose mission is to help detach biofilms – a thin layer formed by bacteria. Toothpastes also contain whitening agents and texture modifiers. They also incorporate flavors, allowing them to act as breath fresheners.

The expert believes that if fluoride is sought after by users, varnishes can be applied in a dental office. There are also toothpastes with a high level of fluoride , which can be obtained by prescription.

When the usefulness of toothpaste is not really unanimous

Toothbrush is more important

Working in Zandvoort (Netherlands), Tom Smits puts emphasis on the toothbrush, which would be the most important element. According to the specialist, the toothpaste would have only one utility - apart from that of fluoride -, namely the taste left in the mouth after brushing. It turns out that to be harmful, bacteria must be located in at least two millimeters deep. However, reaching them mainly requires the use of a toothbrush.

Geert Catteeuw is a dentist in Roosdaal (Belgium). The person claims to wear full dentures and not have used toothpaste in about ten years . His method only involves brushing with a stiff bristle brush and water. However, he uses a soft-bristled brush to brush his gums. The expert admits that this way of doing things is more time-consuming, but he believes that the positive point is to avoid discharges of toothpaste into the sewers.

It must be said that, like various skincare (and sunscreen) creams, toothpaste is one of those products that is harmful to waterways and oceans. According to a study by the University of Plymouth (UK) published in 2015, these products are manufactured without any consideration for the consequences in terms of environmental contamination.