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Dream job:getting paid $1,500 for a month's nap

A sleep information website has posted a job offer that can be considered a dream job. The five candidates who will be selected will receive the equivalent of a SMIC to pass a one-month test concerning the practice of the siesta.

Dream job:getting paid to take a nap

In recent years, ads for dream jobs sporadically appeared. It could, for example, be paid to eat tacos, travel across fifteen countries, become an ambassador for a brand of gin or even to have orgasms. A job offer that the American site EachNight published on May 31, 2021 offers to receive a salary of 1,500 dollars over a month to simply sleep.

Usually, the EachNight platform makes mattress comparisons and gives advice for sleeping well. This time, the goal is to recruit five full-time candidates to participate in a nap practice test . This will help determine the advantages and disadvantages of longer or shorter naps.

Thus, the candidates who will participate in the test will have to take part in several experiments. These will have the ambition to designate the ideal nap duration so that individuals feel fit when they wake up. This will also make it possible to measure the effects of the nap on memory, motivation, productivity or even on the general level of fatigue.

Dream job:getting paid $1,500 for a month s nap

Living alone is a plus

The deadline for the last applications, open to anyone aged 18 and over and therefore even to nationals of countries other than the United States, was June 30. It is therefore no longer possible to apply. The ad also stated that living alone is a plus which is important. Indeed, the interest is to be able to sleep in the greatest calm. Candidates should be announced shortly. During their month of "work", participants will have to report on their experience talking about their mood, feelings and energy levels, all in English.

Remember, however, that we have recently already published a complete file on the effects of naps according to their duration , the different types of naps, the best places to run, etc. For example, a half-hour nap is not really restorative because it has many negative effects. These include being a little groggy when you wake up or a potential alteration of the night's sleep to come.