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From scuba diving to medicine:can these hyperbaric chambers treat wrinkles?

The use of the hyperbaric chamber is very common, especially in the field of scuba diving in order to prevent decompression accidents. Having gradually integrated the world of medicine, oxygen therapy in a hyperbaric chamber is also offered by some private clinics across the Atlantic for the treatment of wrinkles.

From scuba diving to medicine

As early as the second half of the 19th century, the use of hyperbaric chamber appeared in the field of scuba diving. It must be said that the divers encountered serious problems. Due to the rapid descents and ascents, their bodies were plagued by the damaging effects of pressure changes. In such cases, decompression sickness (or decompression sickness) can occur, causing gas bubbles to form in the body. Symptoms include:momentary loss of hearing, dizziness, joint pain, paresthesia, amnesia, loss of consciousness, dyspnoea, etc.

Thanks to increased pressure inside , the hyperbaric chamber prevents decompression accidents. This allows a smooth transition via a reduction in the volume of the gas bubbles. By the way, let's mention the fact that divers are not the only ones affected by this kind of problem. This is also the case for aviators at altitude, astronauts after a spacewalk or even people who have worked in compressed air chambers.

As Agence Science-Presse explains in an article from March 1, 2021, this type of chamber has gradually found a use in medicine. It is about oxygen therapy in a hyperbaric chamber, characterized by an oxygen presence which can go up to 100% compared to approximately 21% in ambient air.

From scuba diving to medicine:can these hyperbaric chambers treat wrinkles?

Clinics to avoid at all costs

Over time, progress has allowed doctors to understand that a high level of oxygen can facilitate healing after surgery . Indeed, this therapy accelerates the formation of new blood vessels, but also molecules that play a role in tissue healing. On the other side of the Atlantic, private clinics offer oxygen therapy in a hyperbaric chamber for a any other kind of treatment :the reduction of wrinkles.

You should know that the Health Canada agency has listed 14 pathological conditions that can benefit from this method. However, the treatment of wrinkles is absolutely not part of it . In addition, the clinics in question – offering sessions of one to two hours – do not communicate on the mechanisms supposedly at work in the reduction of wrinkles. This is a miracle method like there are others (eg anti-wrinkle cream), in any case in the absence of scientific studies proving its positive effects.

Finally, entering a hyperbaric chamber as part of oxygen therapy is not without risk . Agence Science-Presse mentioned work involving animals that eventually had their skin burned, ear trauma on average in 2% of human patients and deaths due to fire . It must be said that a high oxygen level can be synonymous with fatal outcome if a simple spark occurs.