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Keeping a diary during a pandemic would be beneficial

The current pandemic and the various measures taken by the government are weighing heavily on people's minds. In the 1980s and 1990s, several studies focused on the benefits of keeping a diary. Is this a solution to hold on until the health crisis ends?

A diary to keep you going?

In France, the two episodes of confinement in connection with the Covid-19 pandemic have generated anxiety and stress in individuals. It could even be that confinement is an enemy of memory, due to a constantly identical spatial framework. However, other measures such as the curfew, the wearing of masks, social distancing and of course the closure of many shops and places of culture have created a gloomy climate in the country , affected by a crisis that has become economic. This also seems to have an impact on the solidity of couples, as there are more and more requests for divorce.

What if the solution to holding on until the end of the pandemic was for everyone to keep a diary? James Pennebaker, psychologist and professor at the University of Texas (USA) has conducted several studies on the benefits of the diary, works published in 1988 and 1994.

Keeping a diary during a pandemic would be beneficial

Benefits at different levels

Journaling is about writing down your thoughts and feelings on a regular basis. It is about remembering your own history, but also about accessing a certain well-being and better mental health , as in therapy. Better understanding our fears, our interests and desires as well as the meaning of events would allow us to move on more quickly. On paper, this means seems ideal in times of a pandemic. For James Pennebaker, keeping a diary gives the possibility of sleep better at night and improve our social relations. His work has also made it possible to affirm that this activity makes it possible to be less affected by fatigue, but also by certain ailments such as the common cold. In addition, in the case of people who have lost their job, the diary would give the strength to find another faster.

How to start such a journal? First of all, it is up to you to make the choice of shape from the diary. It is possible to keep a kind of diary simply describing daily life or, in a less organized form, in which it is a question of certain feelings and feelings in the face of events. Thereafter, it is a question of choosing the editing frequency , i.e. once a day, a week or a month. Regardless of this choice, it seems important to install a routine. Moreover, it is incumbent to note the date above each writing. Other personal choices also concern the writing medium (pen or keyboard). In any case, the most important thing is to put words to your own experiences, and to do so with a constant frequency.