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Covid-19:the pandemic would promote hair loss

Over the past twelve months, the company of two former Googlers has seen an 8% increase in online searches for hair loss. According to several doctors, this phenomenon is linked to the stressful climate linked to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

A growing phenomenon

Hair loss is quite common in both women and men. However, this phenomenon has been accentuated in recent months , as explained by the New York Times in an article of February 18, 2021. The American daily reported on the results communicated by the company Spate, founded by two former Google employees. This company specializes in trends on the famous search engine.

According to Spate, Google searches for hair loss have increased by 8% over the last twelve months. This topic gets 829,000 searches per month on average in the United States.

Dr. Abigail Cline, dermatologist at New York Medical College (USA) recalls that any type of serious stress can trigger hair loss. It can be stress on our body due to illness, but also emotional stress resulting from a particular event. However, many doctors believe that the phenomenon is increasing because of the current climate. The Covid-19 pandemic is indeed a stressor.

Covid-19:the pandemic would promote hair loss

A common symptom related to coronavirus

Temporary hair loss has a scientific name:telogen effluvium . Usually, it is the result of illness, fever, or severe stress. However, today it is a frequent symptom linked to the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, often appearing between 3 and 4 months after the illness.

In its article, The New York Times tells the story of Misty Gant, 35, who was infected in March 2020. She began to lose her long hair in handfuls , and this, a few weeks after his recovery. These losses occurred in the shower with the appearance of baldness at the temples. She says she tried to remedy the problem by adopting a special diet , gluten-free and dairy-free, as well as an omega 3-6-9 cure. She also combined her diet and cure with scalp massages. Results ? Baby hair eventually grew on her temples.

The New York Times also reported advice from Justine Marjan, a hairstylist. She advises to favor short haircuts, because long hair would be weaker , especially at the tips. Using an eyeshadow (or touch-up spray) of the hair color might also be helpful, in order to create depth. The professional finally assures that the hair of those affected will grow back sooner or later and that you have to be patient.