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Covid-19:they created a portable air purifier for small areas!

In Isère, two companies recently presented their innovation to fight the Covid-19 epidemic. This is an easy-to-carry air purifier. The latter purifies the air by micro-diffusion of an active substance. In addition, we are talking about a 100% natural solution!

A unique air purifier

One ​​of the measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus is the ventilation of rooms housing and other enclosed places. The goal? Avoid too high a concentration of viral particles in the air and limit the risk of infection. This measure can also be accompanied by the installation of HEPA filter air purifiers, as is the case in many classrooms in Germany. As Le Dauphiné Libéré explains in an article from November 2, 2020, two companies from Grésivaudan (Isère) collaborated on the development of a unpublished air purifier. This has been specially developed to combat the current coronavirus. At the heart of the project, we find the company HSDI, developing natural solutions for different sectors of activity.

Among these solutions, HSDI had an air freshener whose effectiveness had already been proven in 2012 on the MERS-CoV coronavirus . Thus, HSDI called on a second company:Parolai Stil’Eco. The goal? Develop this solution, redesign it and make it quieter to interest more people.

Easy to use and easily transportable

“When we started presenting our solution a few months ago, we embarked on an obstacle course. Our potential customers all asked us for proof of its effectiveness, but in air purification and sanitation, there are not really any standards. We have therefore undertaken an enormous amount of work to obtain the right labels, the right certificates”, said Jérôme Lopez, head of Parolai Stil'Eco.

Covid-19:they created a portable air purifier for small areas!

While the first prototype was born in April 2020, marketing has already started. Today, HSDI offers several solutions, the first of which are already known for warehouses and other large volumes (over 100 m²). As for the novelty baptized Stil’Air Mini, this one is intended for offices (25-30 m²). It is a simple machine that sits on a desk and connects via USB, which is easily transportable . Moreover, just like the first purifier, the second contains the bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal mix of HSDI.

As the project leaders explain, we had to obtain serious certifications in order to attract customers. Thus, HSDI has obtained the standards EN 1040 (bactericide), EN 1275 (fungicide), EN13727 (fungicide in dirty environment), and EN14476 (total virucide). Since its launch, the Stil'Air Mini purifier has already sold dozens of units. The managers therefore launched the manufacture of 300 new machines.