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apple day; detox with apples, for a small reset

Detox with apples in the form of an apple day. Try it out for one day after, for example, you have indulged in all kinds of goodies on a weekend and want a little reset.

Oh my gosh, how I let myself go with the Easter eggs, wine, Easter bread and other delicacies. I feel three kilos heavier and don't dare to step on the scale. Time to detox with apples. Via-via I have heard that if you have gone quite out of your league for a weekend, you can correct this with an apple day.

Table of Contents

Detox with apples-in-the-apple-day

ah. An apple day. That means eating a lot of apples. I have no objection to that for a day. So I immerse myself in this diet.

How does an apple day work as a diet?

If you are going to detox with apples, your apple day will look like this. From the moment you wake up, you eat an apple every hour and a half. You have to keep this up until four o'clock in the afternoon. You eat at least five and maximum seven apples. The apples should be as sour as possible, for example Granny Smiths. The acid in the apples ensures faster removal of fat and waste products in the intestines. You can compare the apple day with a small detox for the body.

After four o'clock in the afternoon you eat two Wasa crackers with light toppings. For example:light cheese spread, smoked chicken, smoked meat or low-fat cottage cheese with tomato and cucumber. For dinner you eat a light meal and the dessert can consist of yogurt with 0% fat or cottage cheese with 0% fat.

You drink 2.5 liters of water spread over the day in the form of spa water or green tea without sugar or milk. You can have a glass of lemonade, but it's better not to. If you also want to de-acidify with Alka tea, that's smart too!

You can find the above books for the perfect detox at

My detox apple-day for one day

Sounds like a breeze right? I don't like crash diets at all, because I don't believe this is very healthy for your body. But I dared an apple day. So in good spirits I started on a Granny Smith in the morning. It will give you a sour head, but hey, everything for a good cause:the Easter eggs have to come off!

After apple four I really felt like a sour bitch and after apple five I couldn't see an apple anymore. It was then three o'clock in the afternoon, I had to hold on for another hour. In terms of hunger, it was not that bad for me, that was fine to do. But of course I had eaten for a week before that. At the stroke of four o'clock I obediently took those two Wasa crackers with chicken breast and in the evening it was a real party:a salad with king prawns.

Before going to sleep, I took some 0% cottage cheese from Optimel, otherwise Husband will wake up in the night with a pig next to him (really my stomach can make noises).

It worked:my first apple day.

Result of the-detoxing-with-apples

You can lose about half a kilo with an apple day, this will mainly consist of moisture and waste. That is of course not much and since I did not dare to step on the scale, I have no idea whether this has been successful. Well… actually I know. I just feel a lot slimmer again and have walked to the toilet quite often. "Mommy, do you have to pee again? How come?'

After my apple day I am motivated to eat healthy again and I feel more fit on track .