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Micro and nanoplastics detected in human tissue for the first time!

Plastic pollution affects the entire planet and humans are no exception. For the very first time, US researchers have confirmed the presence of micro and nanoplastics in human tissue. However, these plastics are found in different organs of our body.

Plastic in the human body

Various studies have shown that plastic pollution is found in the oceans, rivers, mountains, sea ice and plants. This also concerns animals and obviously humans. In 2019, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) published an edifying report. Humans individually ingest up to 2,000 particles of microplastics per week, i.e. the weight of a credit card (5 grams). Over a lifetime, this is approximately 20 kg!

A study conducted by a team from Arizona State University (USA) was presented at the American Chemical Society Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting &Expo (see video at the end of the article). Researchers observed micro and nanoplastics in human tissue for the very first time.

The study leaders analyzed 47 organ samples humans. These samples came from a tissue bank for the study of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the conclusions of the scientists are very worrying. Micro and nanoplastics are found inside organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys and even the lungs! If the study has not yet gone through the peer review process , it confirms what many researchers thought.

Identify health risks

Remember that plastic waste contains a host of chemicals. Some harmful effects on marine animals are already known. Regarding the potential toxicological risks for humans, epidemiological studies will have to prove the existing hypotheses. Indeed, it could be that the ingestion of plastic over the long term increases the risk of cancer and infertility . It should be noted in passing that humans are exposed to this pollution in terms of food, water and air.

Micro and nanoplastics detected in human tissue for the first time!

As part of their study, US researchers have identified dozens of different plastics . These include polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is used to make plastic bottles and bags. There is also talk of the presence of bisphenol A (BPA), a substance whose presence in the body is currently underestimated. The leaders of the study discussed the next stage of their research. It will be a question of analyzing the data provided by organ donors on their way of life, their diet and their profession and thus make a link with human health.